Prologue A: The Dream Killing Begins Part 01.

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On October 15th, 2010, a killer was arrested for killing a dozen 5 year old preschoolers of Springwood. After getting released by the court, the parents burned him alive, and was the last they saw of him. Until now.

12 years later, the surviving kids grew up, and were now in High School. A group of those kids spent the day at the town library, as they were studying for a test. On kid who had orange hair, was wearing a green hoodie, and had freckles was having trouble staying awake however. Just then, his friend went over to him as he was getting woozy.

"Hey Jake," the kid whispered, having his friend open his eyes. "Oh, sorry Leo," Jake said. "I was just trying to read this book for my book report in English." "Well, you're getting awfully sleepy," Leo explained. "When was the last time you slept?" "2 nights ago," Jake said. "My parents spent the night smoking, and disco dancing again." "You should take a nap then," Leo explained. "You'll have plenty of time to study when you wake up." Jake did just that, and went to sleep.

Just as his friend began to sleep, Leo noticed a blonde girl, and a guy wearing his high school jersey. "Hey Leo," the girl said. "Tasha, Jude?" Leo asked. "What are you two doing here? I thought you had a date." "This is our date," Jude answered. "We were falling behind on our studies, and we decided to help each other with homework." "Say, isn't that the girl you like at the other table?" Tasha asked. Leo looked, and found a brown haired girl the same age as him, wearing a purple flannel.

"Nancy Templeton, yes," Leo answered. "Yes it is." "Why so glum about her?" Tasha asked. "Didn't you ask her out?" "Yes, and I got rejected because she's already dating that Mike guy," Leo answered. "The rich kid who's father is the mayor." "Well it makes sense seeing how her Dad is the town's head sheriff," Jude said. "What's up with Jake?" "He hasn't slept in days, so he's putting homework on hold, until he wakes up," Leo explained. "I wonder what he's dreaming about." Meanwhile in Jake's dream, he found that he was still in the library, but this time no one else was with him. Jake wiped his eyes, just after noticing.

"Well this is something," Jake said. "We were suppose to study together, and Leo just ditched me. I'm sure his parents must have been worried, while he was here. I better do the same after I put this textbook up." Jake grabbed the book, and got out of his seat to go put it up. Little did Jake know as he was going past the bookshelves, they were of course different. In the real world all of the bookshelves were mahogany brown, but in his dream they were in a stripe pattern of red, and green, similar colors to Christmas. There was a problem with the bookshelves however, as Jake took a stroll through them. The entrance that Jake entered from closed behind him, before he could leave through there, and the path toward the other side was farther then expected.


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