Chapter 28: Into The Dream World Part 02.

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Both Leo, and Nancy knew that they were going to separate, both of them will be murdered if they both go in separate doors. Just as Nancy went over to her own door, Leo stops her before she could go in.

"Don't go in by yourself," Leo said. "That's just what Freddy wants. We are going to piss him off, by giving something he doesn't want. Us together." "But how are we going to do that?" Nancy asked. "There are 2 doors that have our names, meaning that we will separate." "Let me try something," Leo answered, and began to close his eyes.

"What are you doing, Leo?" Nancy asked. "We're in a dream, remember?" Leo reminded. "Yeah, why?" Nancy asked. "So all we have to do is use our dream magic to overcome the obstacles that Freddy has placed for us," Leo answered. "Okay," Nancy said, and she decided to help Leo get rid of the door with dreaming, and the two doors on the wall combined together, becoming one bigger door, while the two name plates fall off of the door, with the bolts holding them."

"Leo, and Nancy opened their eyes, after using the dream magic, and noticed the combined door. "How did you just do that?" Freddy asked. "This is a dream, groundskeeper," Leo answered. "You're not the only ones who knows about these things, so we just gave you a problem that you can't fix that's going to piss you off." "What?" Freddy yelled. "You Little-" "Nancy, let's go," Leo said, and opened the door. Of course, Freddy had a plan to stop Leo from entering the door with Nancy.

When Nancy went in, Leo spotted a giant razor glove come out of the floor which meant Freddy was going to grab him. However, before the razor glove could grab Leo, he followed Nancy through the door that was created. "F********," Freddy shouted. "No matter. You two might be together, but your little friends won't be so lucky, since they separated." Meanwhile into Nigel's side of the dream, he spotted that he came out of the huge abandoned warehouse, and into some funhouse hall of mirrors. Of course, as he was passing the mirrors, Nigel was hearing the Freddy nursery rhyme while pulling out his gun.

By the end of the song, the dead children we're singing, Nigel found the dead body of Jude, who still had his clothes torn, and the writing on his chest. "Jude, is that you?" Nigel asked. "It is," Jude answered. "But I'm not really alive. Freddy is using me as an illusion." "Well, where is he?" Nigel asked. "Here," Freddy answered, and heard his razor glove raised, while Nigel started cocking his shotgun. Nigel then, started shooting every mirror in front of him, while finding Freddy, and reloading at the same time. Unfortunately, by the time Nigel destroyed the final mirror, Jude was gone, and Freddy appeared in front of him instead. "Terrible shot there, Nigel," Freddy said, and then stabbed him in the chest with his razor glove, causing him to spit blood.


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