Chapter 03: Clue Search In The Attic.

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Meanwhile at Leo's house, he waited for his parents to leave, so he could enter the attic to get clues on what they, and his friends parents were hiding from him, and them. That wasn't exactly hard to do though.

Leo's parents had to leave for an anniversary date, as he was left alone to look for clues in the attic, about his past. Leo pulled the string that would open the attic's door, and reveal a ladder that would take him there, while he climbed it. Before going into the attic however, Leo grabbed a flashlight, hoping that it would stay on, while he looked.

Once Leo was finally upstairs in the attic, he began searching for clues of his past. However, as Leo looked around in the attic, he spotted that nothing else was in there, besides collectibles that his parents kept over the years. Those were wrapping paper, boxed magazines, surf boards, and even camping supplies. Leo was about to give up, and head back downstairs, but then he found a box that had the sentence "Do Not Open" written on the side, as he got closer to it.

"This must be it," Leo said, and discovered a bunch of photo albums. Of course they contained images of his parents, and himself throughout his childhood, but the question was, what was Leo looking for in that box. Just then, Leo discovered an album that was crossed off by a black marker on the cover's side. Leo pulled out the book, and found that it read "Kindergarten memories". "Kindergarten memories?" Leo asked. "Why was this so hard to hide? Better take a look, and see."

While looking through the album he pulled out, Leo continued to search for what might be connected to Jake's death. So far, all of the photos that Leo's parents took throughout the year have been removed. Either his parents knew that Leo would come up to the attic to find that out, or they decided to get bored, and their way of entertaining themselves was burning photo albums from his memories. However, Leo discovered one photo that wasn't removed by his parents, and pulled it out. Leo took the photo out of the album, and placed it in his pocket, while also putting up the album before his parents could find it missing.

Leo also closed the box back up, and then left the attic, before his parents could come back, and closed the ladder leading to it, with the door. When he went back to his bedroom, Leo pulled out the photo that he pulled out of the album, and noticed something in it. This was a photo taken in 2010, and it shows a photo of him, Jake, Madison, Jude, Nancy, and a bunch of other members from his class, who were at the age of 5 back then. They were all standing together with a man with blonde hair, wearing a brown trench coat, and a striped Christmas sweater, black pants, and shoes. The photo was also autographed by someone called "Freddy K." The K was an initial, but who was Freddy? This was something Leo had to show his friends, wondering if that's who did it.


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