Chapter 12: The Old Preschool.

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Also after school hours, Leo, Nigel, and Yu left the school, and went over to the address of the preschool where they all use to go to. Hopefully there would be answers to their little murder mystery going on.

When the trio got to the preschool, they found that it has become a complete nightmarish territory after so long. All of the walls were burned down, the windows were broken, the doors were removed, and even the sign that use to say Springwood Preschool was crossed off, and replaced with the words "GET OUT" in all capitals.

"This place doesn't look like it would be safe," Yu commented. "Relax guys," Leo explained. "We're not even going to be in there that long. We're just going to find clues on who is murdering us in our sleep, and once we have enough clues we'll take it to the police station to see what happened to us." "Let's hope your plan works," Nigel said. "It we do get caught however, we might not see our future by the time this Freddy K. begins to attack us in our sleep."

When Leo, Nigel, and Yu went inside, they started looking through all of the rooms that were in there. However, all the group could find were drawings of themselves made in crayon, finger paintings, a bunch of flattened balls, and of course books that have had their pages ripped out of the covers. The entire building was not so happy. "Sh*t," Nigel commented. "This was nothing, but a waste of time." "Guys, calm down," Leo explained. "There's one more room we haven't even checked."

"Which room is that?" Yu asked, and Leo revealed what room it was. The sign on the door they were in front of had the word "Boiler Room" written on it, which had the trio open the door, and step inside. Of course the door wasn't locked, so it was easy for anyone to get inside, as Leo lead his team down the stairs of the room. By the time the group got to the end of the staircase, they were finally at the bottom, and spotted something they never expected to see. In the room was a giant furnace that was rusted, and hasn't been used in years. Not to mention that some of the pipes were removed, while the rest stayed hung up.

Also in the room was a table full of repair tools, along with the tool box itself, but the biggest clue of wall was in the middle of the floor. There was a skeleton wearing the exact same clothes the burned man was wearing. Same black pants, same black shoes, same striped shirt, same fedora, and most importantly the same razor glove. Leo took a look at the photo clue, and found it. "Just as I thought," Leo said. "This man from the photo is dead now." "No sh*t, Sherlock," Nigel commented. "We can see the exact same thing you can see." "Wait, maybe our parents are trying to scare us," Yu said. "We don't know if this guy is dead or not. That skeleton could be plastic." "Yu, how low are you?" Nigel asked. "Let's take a closer look just in case," Leo answered.


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