Chapter 30: Into The Dream World Part 04.

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As Yu finally arrived towards the shrine, he reached for the box of yen, but needed a key. So the only answer to that was using the dagger as a key, by slicing the lock off, and opening the lid. However it was a trap.

Inside the yen box was not yen, but Freddy's razor glove which reached out of the box, and Yu pulled out the katana, and sliced the hand off. That didn't stop Freddy from coming out of the box however, as he pulled his hand back, and jumped out now wearing a red, and green striped ninja outfit. "Let the duel begin," Freddy said.

"Okay, now you're being completely racist," Yu commented. "How dare you fight in my native style." "I'm dead, so there's no point in suing me," Freddy explained, and then charged at Yu, while raising his razor glove. Seeing this, Yu dodged, and swung his katana, but Freddy also dodged. Just then, as Yu tried to slice Freddy again, he found that Krueger cloned himself in 3 parts. "3 heads are better than one," the clones said, and laughed after saying that.

Of course, Yu decided to continue chopping Freddy, but as it turned out, the clones were decodes made of smoke. This caused Yu to search for him slowly, but then felt his chest get stabbed from behind by Freddy, through his armor. Yu fell to the ground, as his chest began to bleed, and Freddy went over to him. "See where greed has gotten you, boy?" Freddy asked. "Now you're a blood stain. With that, Freddy took his leave through a sliding paper window door, as Yu continued to die.

The frame of the door was red, and green striped like his sweater, which he changed back in, after taking off the ninja costume, and headed towards Leo, and Nancy's dream. Yu decided to stop him, by using his remaining strength to throw the dagger from his pants, and then launching it through the door before it closed, and he fell to the ground, while dying at the same time. Meanwhile in Nancy, and Leo's dream, they ended up in the same boiler room, Jude was in, when he died in the prison, but they didn't know. "Okay, I think this is creepy," Nancy said, and held onto Leo's arm, hoping that Freddy doesn't come.

"Just stay near me," Leo explained. "Whatever Freddy throws at us, we can't let him succeed. He is the man responsible, and will pay for his actions." Nancy found the strength, knowing that Leo had her side, and all of a sudden, the two heard footsteps coming at them, and noticed a dark shadowy void in front of them. Coming out of the darkness, was Jake, who still had small  papercuts all over him, and had a hole cut from his neck, where he slit his throat with a pair of scissors that did it. Both Leo, and Nancy became shocked after seeing Jake like that, and didn't say anything as he just stood there. "Jake," Nancy said. "What is he doing here?" "Shhhh," Leo explained. "Keep yourself quiet. He might go away if we just stand here, and not continue walking."


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