Chapter 04: Show & Tell Clues.

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The next morning, Leo kept the photo he got from the album hidden from his parents, and went to reveal it to his friends at school. On the way to school, Leo noticed Nancy getting a ride from Mike in his fancy car.

Feeling jealous Leo just ignored them, and arrived in front of Springwood Academy before his ex-crush, and her rich boyfriend. As he entered the school, Leo texted both Jude, and Madison to tell them about the clue he found. "Guys, I found a clue," Leo texted. "So did I," Jude texted back. "You guy's aren't the only ones," Madison texted.

"Meet me at our lunch table at the cafeteria," Leo texted. "We'll show our clues there." Once Leo was finished texting, he pulled the signed kindergarten photo that he stored in his wallet, and then placed it in the pocket of his pants to show to the others in the cafeteria. Leo had a couple of classes in school to get through first, so he had to wait 4 hours before he could get towards his lunch shift, and read everything while remembering the photo he got from his attic that night.

Finally when it was noon, it was now lunch hour when the cafeteria was serving chili cheese dogs, and chicken salad. Leo sat down at his table, while he found his 2 friends coming towards the table, and sitting down. "So, what did you want to show us?" Madison asked. "This," Leo answered, and pulled out the kindergarten photo that he found in his house's attic while his parents were gone. "My parents were on their wedding anniversary date, so I sneaked into the attic, and found this."

"A photo?" Jude asked. "How does that help?" "Take a closer look," Leo answered, and showed the line of kids in the photo. "These 5 kids in the center are us. You guys, Nancy, Jake, and myself where we were all 5 years old, and in kindergarten. Also in this photo is this creepy guy wearing a red, and green striped sweater under his coat, but something was familiar about him." "Red, and green stripes?" Madison asked. "That's what he said," Jude answered. "What's the problem?" "I need to tell you guys something," Madison explained. "While looking for clues, I fell asleep, and saw the man wearing the same clothes as the man in the photo."

"Do you think they are the same person?" Leo asked. "I don't think so," Madison answered. "The one I saw had a burned face, no hair, a fedora, and a glove with 4 razors attached to 4 of its fingers on his right hand." "Well the last thing we need to talk about is the name on the photo," Leo said. "It says Freddy K, but I don't know who that's suppose to be." "Here's what I think guys," Madison explained. "Jake died in his sleep, so do you think this burned man did it to him." "Probably," Jude commented. Just then, Leo looked over, and saw that Mike, and Nancy were having a date together, which included him, feeding her the salad on her tray to her gently. "Just ignore them," Leo thought. "They have nothing to do with the group, so I'm no longer involved with her."


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