Chapter 15: Bleeding In A Cell.

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Back in the real world, the guard who were watching Jude were busy working, while taking a night shift, as he was floating in the air with his arms up, while sleeping, that symbolized being held by the pipes in his dream.

While in his dream, Jude spotted that Freddy cut his sweater in half, to reveal that he had 2 recognizable trophies. Those trophies were of course the heads of Jake, and Madison, the first 2 teens that Freddy has slaughtered in their dreams, meaning Jude was next. Jude screamed just as Freddy fixed his sweater, and got ready for the kill.

"What's with the yelling?" Freddy asked. "I haven't even stabbed you yet." Freddy then cut off the front of the uniform shirt Jude was wearing, which revealed his bare naked chest. "How you've grown!" Freddy commented. "Almost makes me want to kill you more, but not before we have a little fun." Of course by that, Freddy used his razor glove to write on Jude's chest for the adults in the real world, and lastly use 2 fingers to stab his in the eyes through his brain.

Back in the real world, Jude stopped levitating after dying in his sleep, and fell to the ground in his cell on his back, while a trail of blood came out of it, and covered the floor to where the guard who was watching him was sitting. Just as the guard noticed the trail of blood, she became shocked, and followed the trail which lead her to the cell to find Jude's corpse with the message written on his chest that Freddy made. The guard pulled out her walky-talky to talk with Sheriff Templeton.

"Sheriff, are you there?" the guard asked, and as it turned out the Sheriff was at his house helping his wife clean the dishes after dinner. The sheriff then answers the call the guard was making. "What is it, Deputy Vanna?" Gerald asked. "Jude wasn't the murderer," Vanna answered. "How can you tell?" Gerald asked. "I had my back turned for about an hour, and when I noticed blood on the floor I turned, and found his corpse in the cell," Vanna answered. "However, I believe I know who is responsible. I'm not sure what these kids are dreaming about, but the killer wrote a message on Jude's chest while he slept."

In the house, Nancy was listening in on the conversation, and figured it might be important. "What does that message say?" Gerald asked. "It said, "Freddy has returned" in all capital letters on the flesh of Jude's skin," Vanna answered. "I thought we got rid of that bastard years ago," Nancy's mother said. "What is he doing in the children's dreams?" "I don't know, Beth," Gerald explained. "Whatever it is, we know it's something haunting. Deputy, notify Jude's parents about what happened to him, and then call the hospital to help us with another funeral." "Yes Sheriff," Vanna said, and hung up. Nancy just walked upstairs, and wondered if all of that could be true. "Someone's killing us in our sleep?" Nancy asked. "That's not good. I better check on Mike."


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