Chapter 01: Funeral, With Regrets.

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After that incident with Jake dying, his class, and parents honor the death of his sleep at a funeral, that was at the Springwood Cemetery. The Tombstone read "RIP Jacob Wendell Chason: 2005-2022."

"Here lies, Jacob Chason," the priest said. "A child of hope for his family, has fallen to the brink of death. Of course by following his parents orders, and doing homework every day, we all know he will be going to that great bank in the sky in accountancy to make his family happy. May his Jewish inheritance rest in peace starting today. Ah-Mane."

Everyone who was at the funeral, bowed, while pleading Jake goodbye, as the bagpipe player began playing, and Jake's coffin was lowered into the ground, before they could bury him. While at the funeral, Jake's parents were balling into tears, as a sheriff came over to them. "Mr., and Mrs. Chason," the sheriff said. "My name is Sheriff Gerald Templeton. I'm not sure who did this to your son, but I swear he will be brought to justice by the time we solve some clues around town."

"It's just so awful that this happened to him," Jake's mother commented. "It's awful for anyone else who would lose their child. The last time this happened, we-" "Honey don't bring that up," Jake's father explained. "His friends are here." Jake's mother turned, and noticed. "Oh, sorry children," Jake's mother said. "Let's go, and clean out Jacob's room, sweetheart." "Okay," your father agreed, and the two left the funeral. Leo however got suspicious about what Jake's mother was about to say.

"The last time this happened," Leo said. "What do you guys think that could mean?" "I don't know," Jude explained. "This is the first time I heard them say something like that. Maybe they murdered some kid they didn't like." "I don't thing that's true," Leo said. "We just saw how Jake died. A bunch of cuts grew on his skin, and he stabbed himself with scissors while he slit his throat in his sleep. There's no possible way he could've done that if he was awake." "So, you think these parents are hiding something from us?" Jude asked. "I don't know," Leo answered. "What do you think is going on, Madison?"

Meanwhile Madison was daydreaming during the funeral, but noticed a little girl with blonde hair like her, who was sitting near the gravedigger near Jake's grave. "Madison," Jude yelled, causing his girlfriend to wake up. "Huh, what's going on?" Madison asked. "We were asking you a question?" Jude asked. "Our parents must know something we don't know," Leo answered. "When we get home, I suggest we head into our attics to investigate. We need clues on what happened to Jake if we need to figure out what happened to him." "Good idea," Madison said. "If we figure out what happened to him, we can avenge him." "Count me in as well then," Jude agreed, and they both fist bumped together, as they went with the plan of avenging their friend.


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