Chapter 08: Dragging Death.

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By the time Madison reached the door, she pulled on it, and knocked at the same time. "OPEN UP," Madison shouted. "I NEED TO WAKE UP. SOMEONE WAKE ME UP, BEFORE I MEET THE SAME DEMISE AS JAKE."

While Madison struggled in getting the door opened, the burned man caught up with her, and shoved the blades of his razor glove in the top of her back. "Now now, Maddie," he said. "Wouldn't you want to play a game I call, drag, and drop?" "No thank you," Madison said. "Too late," the burned man smiled, and laughed evilly.

Madison screamed in her dream, while sleeping in the real world, while being dragged along the wall by the burned man who was killing her. The screaming woke Jude up, as he noticed her girlfriend screaming, and getting killed, while her back was floating up, against the wall. With her last breath, Madison saw the burned man pull the razors in his glove out of her back, and then scratched her chest with it, causing her to die. Jude was horrified, that his lover died in bed.

"Who's doing this?" Jude asked. "I need to get out, while I still can." Jude got his pants on, along with his t-shirt, while leaving his jersey on his dead girlfriend, and left the house after getting his shoes on, and leaving. The very next morning at 5:00 A.M, after Madison's mother came back from work, she noticed that the alarm was going off in her daughter's bedroom so she decided to wake her up. While she was opening the door, Madison's mother was confused on why her daughter wouldn't wake up.

Finally once the door was opened, Madison's mother found her body dead in her own bed. While noticing the jersey she was wearing, Madison's mother goes over to her, and found that Jude's name was written on it, while thinking that he was the one that must've killed her. Meanwhile at the Springwood police station, the head Sheriff arrived, just after getting doughnuts, and coffee for everyone to have during breakfast. "Alright, everyone," he said. "We have breakfast, now after that let's arrest anybody who breaks the law in our town, and have a good time doing it." Everyone agreed, just as they grabbed the doughnuts, and coffee.

Just then, at Sheriff Templeton's desk, he heard the phone, and answered it. "Hello," Gerald said. "You have the Springwood Police Department on the line, this is Sheriff Templeton speaking." Madison's mother told the sheriff about what happened, and he understood. "We'll be right over," Gerald said, and hung up. "Men, we have another dead teenager. This time it's at their parents home." "Let's head over there then," the head sheriff explained. "Everyone, let's take our doughnuts, and coffee to go, and head to Mrs. Carmichael's house." The other sheriff's nodded, and followed the head sheriff as they all got in their cars, and headed over to the Carmichael's house where Madison's mother was standing right outside the front door.


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