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Shehnaaz was walking hand in hand with Sid as they reached college. All the way to college she was clutching Sid like her life depends on him. Even Sid didn't bother to release himself from her hold. He knew she is scared and the feeling that he is solace to her was peaceful.

Everyone in the college were too shocked to see this scenario. They were talking among themselves making their own stories.
They reached Sana's class which made her take a deep breathe because now she has to leave Sid. Although Sid has assured her he will outside her class after every lecture but she was scared.

"Don't very I am here okay... Take your minds off everything else and just concentrate on your lectures.. okay" he said softly.

"Yes Sanu come with me... Why to fear when Shanaya is here" Shanaya said jokingly making Sana smile.
Shanaya looked at Sid and gave her a assuring nod.

They went to class and sat beside Sherry who was giving them questioning look.

"What?" Shanaya asked but she very well knew the reason behind her questionig gaze. Whole college was giving Sana a questioning and jealous stare.
Heck even is still facing problem in digesting Sid's new behaviour. Even though her and Sid relation is not that good but he knows he is a good man atleast for her Sanu.

"Will you tell me what's happening? Few days back Sana was crying because of Sid and now she walking hand in hand with him and even coming college with him. What does she do? What made that stone hearted man melt" Sherry asking with curious face.

Shanaya grinned listening her "it's Shehnaaz's magic. She just showed her cute innocent face and and stone melted like a wax. Now he is all behind Sana. She has wrapped him around her finger. If she will say him to bring moon and star for her he can will even do that" Shanaya exaggerated dramatically making Sana roll her eyes but then she blushed as she recalls his behaviour. He is taking care of her like someone take care of his baby. She has always felt a connection with Sid but now here feeling have intensified. He had just met her few days ago but she still trust me and feel secure with him. She is now sure there is something more than a attachment she feel for him. She is not sure about his but the way he has changed his behaviour in last few days has give her the hope that he might feel the same.

She trance was broken by a nudge on her shoulder she looked towards Sherry who was giving her teasing looks

"So, what did you do to tame  him" she asked making Sana flustered.
"I didn't do anything.... Shanaya is just exaggerated we are good friends"

"Even if you both are friends still that's a shock too... I knew Sid from last two years but nobody means nobody was able to make him their friend. Even the hottest girl of the college tried to hit on him but he never cared he was always rude. But seeing you with you I wonder if he is the same Sid" Sherry said making Sana smile. She felt special as Sid trusted her and allowed her to enter his life. All this thoughts made her completely forget the morning incident which was noticed by Shanaya and she sighed in relief but her relief was short lived as Sana's phone vibrated with message.
She has kept Sana's phone with her as she doesn't want her to startle by the any more message from unknown number.

Her eyes widen looking at the message
"Who was the man with whom you were clinging. Stay away as I don't my things to be in someone else arms.

So it's better to be cautious else consequences won't be good for you neither for him"

"Oh God is he really Ayaan? Is he stalking Sanu but how is this possible? He was in jail. God what will I do now should I call uncle?
No he will hell worried. I think I should tell Sid.

"Shanaya where are you lost?" Sana's word brought Shanaya out of her trance.

"I am thinking of Sid" Shanaya said making Sana frown "why are you thinking about Sid?"

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