For the sake of love

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Sid’s pov
Finally the day has come for which I was waiting with my bated breath ‘My wedding’.
If I look 2 years back then words like love, attachment, marriage all were oblivion to me. I have never thought of getting married or even falling in love but God has always planned best for us and look today I am getting married to the love of my life. Though I am very happy, excited and content but it will be a lie if  say I am not nervous, I am nervous like hell, I couldn’t sleep last night. I know there is no need to be nervous or worried but I am.
“what’s up dude?” my trance was broke hearing Kartik’s voice.
He was standing near the door with the smile on his face, he came inside and sprawled on the bed “ufff, finally I am getting a moment of peace. Dude I have done more work in your wedding than my whole life and not to forget those Aunty who doesn’t leave chance to touch me or pull my cheeks. Bro you owe me a treat for bearing all these”  Kartik said which made me laugh.
In this last year Kartik has become close friend of mine, he is very genuine and kind person who will go to any extent to help his friends and he has really worked so much in the wedding. Not to forget the assault of Aunties. They were really, because of my angry young man, they didn’t flirted with me much because I gave them cold shoulders but Kartik being the chocolaty boy was their target and I really appreciate his tolerance.

“well, what to do you are such a ‘sohna Munda’” I said shrill tone pulling his cheeks which made him roll his eyes.

“well leave all that I am here to take you. Are you ready?” he asked while gulped suddenly feeling more nervous. My heart was beating with a rapid speed.

“bro why are you getting pale?” Kartik asked placing his hand on my shoulder

“just… just little nervous” I said

“nervous but why? You are marrying your love. You should be happy”

“yes, I am happy but still I am feeling jittery” I said.

“dude stop over-thinking if you want to think then think of your first night, it will boost your energy” Kartik said laughing while I blushed.
“Kartik I have send you here to escort Sid not to get sprawled on his bed” Shanaya said coming inside the room. She was looking beautiful in traditional dress. She had a frown etched on her face. she has too exerted herself in the wedding preparation.
“hey, I have just came here to come here but Sid is nervous” Kartik said defending himself.

Shanaya eyes which were glaring at Kartik were now focused on me “why are you nervous? You should be happy but seeing your face it seems like someone is forcing you to marry her” Shanaya said placing her hand on her hips.

“no… it’s not like that…. I am happy… I just that I am little nervous”
“now there is no time to get nervous come get up we are getting late” Shanaya said pushing me out of the room followed by Kartik and her.
We are currently on my new house and we are going to take ‘baraat’ to Shehnaaz house.

Reaching out I greeted Shanaya’s parents. They patted me and wished me look luck and soon we started her journey.
All were dancing on the way especially Shanaya who was way to happy.
We reached there in no time and once again my heart picked its speed.

As soon as we reach there Shanaya went towards bride’s side. Sukh papa and Pammi maa welcome me and I was taken inside. Everyone was roaming around me but my eyes were searching for Shehnaaz, I desperately wanted to see her, only she can calm my rapid heartbeat and after what felt like eternity, Shehnaaz came along with Shanaya and few other girls around her. I was mesmerized looking at her and unknowingly my eyes started tearing up. I didn’t realized I was crying until Kartik passed me a handkerchief and patted my back “relax bro” he whispered.
I nodded but my heart was betraying me, I couldn’t stop my tears. I blinked my eyes several time to make sure that this all is true and not a dream.
Soon Shehnaaz was standing in front of me. Sukh ji gave her hand to me which I took with shaking hands.
Shehnaaz smiled at me and I was again lost in her contagious smile. She wiped my tears and shook her head indicating not to cry. Soon the rituals start and then I filled her hairline with vermillion which fell on her nose too and with this I sealed my fate with her.
Soon it was time for departure but no one was emotional in-fact Shehnaaz was grinning ear to her.
As soon as we get inside the car, she pecked my lips which starled me and immediately looked at driver and sighed as he looked nonchaleant which means he hadn’t seen anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2023 ⏰

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