Adding On To The F.A.C.E Family

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Arthur and Francis (sorry to you UsUk shippers) were sitting on the couch, cuddling. They were watching a movie that they weren't paying much attention to. Francis looked down at the British nation in his arms. He was incredibly surprised when Arthur agreed to go on a date with him a long time ago. He was more surprised when he accepted his marriage proposal. Sure, they'd raised America and Canada together but that was before they got married. They loved each other very much and raising America and Canada had been one of the happiest times of their lives. The two nations proved to be a bit of a challenge but they loved them deeply. Now, France was thinking about having more kids with England. He missed having Canada and America around. He didn't know how to approach England about it.

He thought now was the time. After all, they weren't paying attention to the movie so they could talk. France closed his eyes and sighed deeply before saying, "Angleterre? Can we talk?"

"What is it, love?" England asked while looking up at France.

"Well...first off, do you miss having Alfred and Matthew around? I miss them desperately and I really enjoyed raising them," after he said this, France gave England a small kiss.

"To be completely honest, I do miss them. They were so precious to me. They still are. Why are you asking this all of a sudden, Francis?" England replied. He really did miss Alfred and Matthew.

"Well I've been thinking and...I want to have kids. Like kids that are actually ACTUALLY ours. We found America and Canada. I want to experience you getting pregnant. I want to experience going to the hospital and holding your hand while you push out a precious little angel. I want to experience what any human parent does that we didn't get to experience with Alfred and Matthew," France said as a few tears rolled down his cheeks. He really did want to have kids. He loved kids and truly did love the two nations he and England raised.

"How long have you been thinking about this?"

"Well if I'm being one hundred percent honest, I've been thinking about it for nearly a year."

"Why didn't you tell me sooner, love? I want to have kids. I just didn't know how to bring it up to you," England said while smiling and wiping France's tears.

"R-Really? You want to have kids?" France gave England a small smile, his crystal blue eyes meeting England's emerald eyes.

"Really, Francis. I wouldn't lie about that."

"Je t'aime, Angleterre," France said while smiling.

"I love you too, France."

"Well, shall we go? We can't have kids unless we have sex," France said with a smirk.

"Bloody frog...." England said as his face flushed a deep shade of red.

France laughed before picking England up bridal style and taking him to their room.

Let's just say that their neighbors did not get much sleep that night.
_______________time skip~__________________

A month later, Francis and Arthur decided to go to the nation's doctor's office to see if they were going to have a baby.

After they got back home, they went to their room and cuddled. The smiles on their faces did not leave their faces even after they got home. England was two weeks pregnant. Hearing this made them incredibly happy. They were going to have more kids. They decided to wait a few days before telling Alfred and Matthew. For now, they just thought about the future. France kissed England's forehead and smiled.

England soon fell asleep in France's arms with a small smile on his soft lips. France kissed him and said, "Je t'aime Angleterre. Rest mon ami." France wrapped his arms around the nation and drifted off into a deep, blissful sleep. 

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