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Just a quick note, I will be putting a link to every lullaby mentioned in this chapter. I happen to like all of them and Russia has some pretty fucked up ones but they're so soothing so I guess that's what matters.


"Demyan. Please. Go to sleep. It's 4 in the morning," Russia said while struggling to keep his eyes open. China had gone to bed hours ago, leaving Russia to put the 6 month old baby to sleep. He had fallen asleep at some point and was fine. Y'know, until 3 in the morning. Demyan was the personification of St. Petersburg. His hair was a light brown and he had a violet eye and a golden brown eye. Nikolai and Xiu absolutely loved their baby brother and helped a lot with him. Well, as much as they could.

Ivan grabbed the baby and held him, gently rocking him, hoping he would soon fall asleep. Luck was something he clearly lacked at this moment and Demyan only looked up at Ivan. He smiled and held onto Ivan's thumb, making the tall man smile back.

"Why don't I sing you a lullaby?" He said to the baby. He continued to rock the baby gently and began singing. " Спи, младенец мой прекрасный,  Баюшки-баю.Тихо смотрит месяц ясный. В колыбель твою.Стану сказывать я сказки, Песенку спою; Ты ж дремли, закрывши глазки, Баюшки-баю.Сам узнаешь, будет время, Бранное житье; Смело вденешь ногу в стремя. И возьмешь ружье.Я седельце боевое. Шелком разошью...Спи, дитя мое родное,Баюшки-баю," he sang while looking down at his son.  (don't worry I'll put a translation) Demyan's eyes began to grow heavy and within a few minutes, he was asleep. 

Ivan didn't want to put Demyan in his crib, afraid it'd wake him up, so he stayed in the rocking chair next to the crib, only readjusting the pillow so that he could be a bit more comfortable, and tried to fall asleep with his son in his arms. He was actually happy that he fell asleep to this lullaby because it was the only Russian one he could think of at the moment that wasn't messed up (A/N: I was listening to some and wow they're fucked up) and all the lullabies sang to his and Yao's children, which really weren't even lullabies, were in Mandarin or Cantonese. He really didn't mind that but he seriously wished he sang some Russian ones to them.

'I guess I could sing the more messed up ones to him. He won't know what they're saying, so I guess it's okay,' he said to himself. He wasn't so sure but...Demyan didn't know what the hell he was saying anyway. He fell asleep a few minutes later and it was honestly a pretty good rest for Ivan. 

-------------------------------IM SO BAD AT WRITINGGGG---------------------------------

Ivan woke up at around 11 which isn't that bad really. He got a good amount of sleep and that's all that mattered. At some point, he felt China grab Demyan, probably to feed him, but just went back to sleep. He got up, popping his back and neck, brushed his teeth (A/N: do any of you brush your teeth right after waking up? bc I do) and walked to the living room and sat down on the gray couch next to Xiu and Nikolai. 

"Доброе утро," he said with a soft smile. Xiu crawled into his lap and rested her head on his legs before turning her attention back to the TV. She and Nikolai were watching reruns of Sabrina the Teenage Witch (I LOVE THAT SHOW SO MUCH) and China was giving Demyan a bath. 

"Good morning, папа," the two replied. Ivan wrapped and arm around Nikolai and kissed the top of his head. The three continued watching TV until China came in with Demyan, who was wrapped up in a towel. His hair was damp and sticking up in every direction and he had a smile on his chubby face. 

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