Baby Kristiane and Baby Demetrio

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Italy was holding his and Germany's daughter in his arms. He just gave birth to her an hour and a half ago. Lovino, Antonio, Ludwig, Kiku and Hercules were in the hospital room. A knock was then heard. When Ludwig opened the door he was greeted by Matthew and Gilbert. The couple greeted everyone else and then went to look at Kristiane. She was absolutely beautiful. She had Germany's blond hair and Italy's honey-hazel eyes. She was the personification of Berlin. Prussia's eyes filled with tears as he looked at his precious niece.

"Can I hold her, Italy?" He asked while Canada was quietly talking to the other nations.

"Sì! Of course you can, Gilbert," Italy replied while putting Kristiane in Prussia's arms. Prussia smiled and kissed her forehead.

"She's beautiful, West. Also, when is your due date Romano?"


"This baby was supposed to be born today but I guess not," as Romano said this, he felt the baby move around. Seconds later, his water broke. Canada rushed out of the room and called a nurse over who came with a wheelchair for Romano. Romano was wheeled off to another room with Spain following him and the nurse.

"Heh. Looks like the baby was ready after all," Canada said.

"I hope my fratello will be okay," Italy said with a worried look in his eyes.

"Now we'll celebrate two birthdays every November 10th, Italy-san," Japan said. He hadn't spoken much since he and Greece arrived at the hospital. His eyes did water when he saw Kristiane though. All of the nations were happy for Germany and Italy.

"That's true, Japan! I want to see my nephew as soon as I can. He has to be beautiful. I mean, his parents are Spain and Romano. Anyways. Prussia, are you and Canada ever gonna have kids?"

"Well, we've thought about it," Prussia replied quietly so he wouldn't wake Kristiane up.

"We might have one in two years or so. Prussia and I still have so much we want to do. But we will absolutely have kids," Canada added.
__________________________time skip~___________________________

Three hours later, Demetrio, the personification of Venice, was born. He had Romano's dark auburn hair and Spain's emerald eyes. He had a curl like Romano's. He was 9 pounds unlike Kristiane who was 7 pounds.

Ludwig had a nurse bring a wheelchair so he could take Italy to see Demetrio. The other nations followed along while Germany pushed Italy's wheelchair. Kristiane was in a bundle of magenta blankets, cuddling into her mama's chest. Italy kissed his baby girl on her head and smiled. They arrived to Romano's room and knocked. Spain opened the door a few seconds later and let all of them in. Romano was smiling as he was looking down at his son. His eyes were full of tears. Spain looked incredibly happy.

"Ve~ Can I hold him?" Italy asked while letting Japan carry Kristiane.

"Sì. Just try not to wake him up," Romano replied while putting Demetrio in Italy's arms. Italy looked down at his nephew and kissed his nose. Germany kneeled down and looked at Demetrio. He kissed his head and turned to look at Romano and Spain.

"He's beautiful."

"Grazie, potato bastard."

____________________________time skip~____________________________



"Not that we should have another one right now but, how many kids do you want? Because I want three," Italy said while making a bottle of milk for Kristiane.

"Well...I kind of also want three. It shouldn't be hard to raise three kids. Why are you suddenly asking?"

"Because...I really love Kristiane and I guess I just want to have more kids to feel more joy. After we got married, I really had nothing to be sad about. As of three weeks ago, I'm even happier so I guess I'm thinking that having more kids will add on to my happiness."

"That makes sense, I suppose. Well, we can have another baby in three years. I want a boy this time. I just want at least one boy," Germany said before kissing Italy's forehead. Italy and Germany then walked to the nursery and gave Kristiane her bottle of milk. The couple sang her to sleep and went to their room and went to sleep.

Our Families-Hetalia MPregs and FluffOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora