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Hey bois. Y'all should give me suggestions bc lmao I'm serious about not writing if I don't get any requests. I love y'all

Elov's POV

"Aleksy, guess what," I said to the green eyed boy.

"What do you want?" He asked while glancing at me from across the room. WOW. RUDE.

"nevermIND YOU CLEARLY ARE BOTHERED BY ME," I yelled while covering myself with a blanket. He sighed loudly.

"Elov, you're gONNA GIVE ME A DAMN STROKE," he replied,  making me laugh. I love his reactions to the things I say.

"I love youuuu," I said while wrapping an arm around him. He smiled and nuzzled his face into my neck.

"I love you too, nerd," Aleksy replied. I kissed his forehead and smiled. We're currently 15, almost 16, and we've been together for 7 months and let me tell you, this boy is why I'm alive. I still remember meeting him in Ms.Hill's class. Stupid bitch not wanting me to be his partner. Now, I've liked Aleksy for as long as I can remember, but a year and a half ago, I was convinced he'd never feel the same. So, I dated another guy who was a nightmare. In the 2 months we dated, he had sexually and physically abused me. He didn't rape me but he still abused me. He'd touch me and kiss me without my consent and, if I refused, he'd slap me or punch me. 

Within those 2 months, I began self-harming. It got so bad and now, I have over 100 scars. I was too afraid to break up with him. Aleksy didn't find out until we were 2 months into our relationship. He only found out because my sleeve had gone up and he saw a horrendous scar. I remember it so vividly. 


"Elov..?" Aleksy asked. He looked very worried and sick.

"Yeah?" I asked. God, I was falling apart inside. My chest hurt and the only thoughts in my head were the different ways I could kill myself.

"W-What's on your arm?" he asked, tears flowing down his cheeks. My blood ran cold and everything seemed to be in slow motion. My sleeve went up...

"N-Nothing," I said, pulling my arm to my chest. He looked at me and grabbed my arm, pulling my sleeve up. I'll be quite honest. I'm not sure how many scars I have there. Possibly 30 on each arm. Tears were coming out of my eyes so quickly that they didn't even touch my cheeks. They just fell onto my bed. (A/N:that's actually how I cry) 

"Baby, what happened?" he asked, pure concern flooding his eyes. We'd always called each other things like baby, darling, love, sweetie, sweetheart, honey, etc. We're just really close.

"N-Nothing," I choked out.

"El, don't lie to me. I've known you for 8 years. I know when you're lying. What happened, baby?" he asked, pulling me into his arms. How did we go from sitting on my bed and laughing to me being cradled in his arms so quickly? He was rocking me back and forth, whispering comforting words.

"Cry, sweetie. Cry. Then tell me what happened," he whispered, moving my hair out of my face and removing my glasses. And so I did. I cried into his chest, tears staining his burgundy shirt. I was sobbing. That's all I could do. Then, he began singing to me. We had a song that, in hindsight, should've told me he felt the same. It was Make You Feel My Love by Adele. 

"When the rain is blowing in your face. And the whole world is on your case, I could offer you a warm embrace. To make you feel my love. When the evening shadows and the stars appear. And there is no one there to dry your tears, I could hold you for a million years.To make you feel my love,"  that was all I heard before my mind went blank and I went numb. I guess at some point, he moved us to the corner of my bed by the wall because, when I came to, he was sitting with his back against the wall and I was still in his arms. I guess I'd finally calmed down.

"You okay to talk now, love?" he asked, using his thumb to wipe away my tears. I nodded slowly and sat up. We scooted away a little so that we could make eye contact.

" know how I'm dating Damon..?" I asked.


"For the past 2 months, he's been physically and sexually abusing me..he hasn't raped me but he touches me and constantly kisses me and forces me to touch him and when I refuse, he slaps or punches me..and I'm so scared to break up with him, Aleks. I'm so scared..he threatened to kill himself if I left..what if he actually does it..?" I say, my voice trembling. Aleksy honestly looks pissed yet concerned.

"Baby, he deserves to die for what he's done to you," he says while pulling me against his chest. 

"'d be my fault..."

"Elov, you could stay with him and possibly be raped or maybe even killed or you could leave him and be happy. He's bluffing. And if he's not, oh well. He deserves to die because, Elov, darling, you are the most wonderful person I have ever met. You are so sweet and compassionate and understanding and you bring a sense of calm to a room. You deserve so much better. Seriously," he said while stroking my hair. He kissed the top of my head and my heart fluttered. 

"Aleks..? Can I tell you something...?" I ask him. God, I just want to tell him how I feel. He's always been my entire universe and I feel so stupid for dating someone else to get over him. I mean, Damon wasn't my first kiss. Aleksy actually was during a game of truth or dare between all the cities. We were 12 and Devon had dared him to kiss me. 

"Of course. You can tell me anything," he replies softly. His heart is beating fast. What's he thinking?

"Well...the only reason I'm dating Damon is because...because for the past 7 years...I-I've really liked you and..I thought you'd never feel the same way so I thought it'd be easy to get over you if I dated someone else...truth is, I've only fallen for you more and more," I say while crying. His heart begins pounding and he pulls me away from his chest. I knew he didn't feel the same way..

"You like me..?" he asks.

"God, yes. You're always on my mind and my heart just flutters when I even hear your name and you're the only person who can make me happy anymore and you're why I'm still alive, honestly. I seriously like you," I reply. He sits there, shocked. I close my eyes and allow the tears that have been pooling in my eyes to stream down my flushed cheeks. I grab a tissue and blow my nose. As soon as I've put it down, his arms are around me and he's laughing.

"I like you too! I've liked you for so long, Elov! God, I'm so sorry you thought I didn't feel the same. I feel terrible," he replies. I want to kiss him...

"It's not your fault. Aleksy..?" I ask. He pulls away, concern in his eyes while he cups my cheeks.


"Please kiss me. Please," I say quietly. Before he kisses me, he lifts me up and sits me on his lap. Well, sort of his lap since he's sitting criss-crossed. In an instant, his arms are around my waist and he looks into my eyes, brushing my hair out of my face. Then, our lips meet. My heart soared and I swear I have never been so happy in my entire life. He kissed me gently yet passionately. My arms wrapped around his neck and I deepened the kiss, smiling every now and then. We pulled away once we couldn't breathe, smiles plastered on both of our faces.

"I need to break up with him W-Will you please be there with me..? A-And Audra..?" I asked. He hugs me tightly.

"Of course, sweetheart. I'll tell her. I promise you'll be okay. I'll help you become stronger. We can be stronger together," he says softly.

"Thank you."

"Of course. So...are you my boyfriend now...?" he asks. I smile into his shoulder and hug him tighter.

"Hell yeah."


Hey guys. Sorry for the long wait. I have an important announcement. Well, two. One, I will be changing/fixing the way these kids look because the game I made them on updated a while back and there's way more options now so I'm just gonna fix them and put them on my new DeviantART Alex-Nevarez. Two, I'm writing a new story on a new Wattpad account Nevarez_Alex. I don't have a name for it so if you have a suggestion, PM me and I'll tell you what it's about but you can't tell anyone. I'll still be writing this fanfic. Anyway, I love you guys. 

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