DenNor Fluff

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Matthias and Lukas were on the blue couch watching a scary movie and cuddling. At the moment, Lukas was hiding his face in Matthias' chest and trembling. He did love scary movies but was scared shitless during and after the movie. Norway and Denmark did this often and it usually led to them forgetting the movie and just talking to each other sweetly.

"You okay, Norge?" Denmark asked while stroking Norway's blond hair.

"I'm okay. Just a bit scared is all," Norway replied. That was a lie. He wasn't "a bit scared" he was terrified. Denmark knew better though. He always knew when Norway was lying.

"Liar. It's okay. It's just a movie. If it happens in real life, you'll have me to protect you!"

"Great. I'm putting my life in your hands. Well, it was nice knowing you," Norway said while laughing a bit.

"Hey! I can protect you, Norge,"

"Mmhmm. I'm sure you can, Den."

"I can!"

"If you say so," Norway knew that by doing this, Denmark would turn into a little puppy and prove himself to Norway. He just wanted to see if he meant it. He knew Denmark could really protect him from anything.

"I do say so. Don't forget about when we were little and I took care of you and Iceland when you guys were sick. Also, I protected you from a wolf when we were little. Remember?"

Lukas thought back to that day. He and Denmark were walking in the cold snow looking for Iceland after they lost him while arguing. As it was getting darker and colder, Denmark and Norway began to get scared and were terribly worried about where Iceland went. Out of nowhere, a big, gray wolf came out towards Lukas. Matthias had his sword with him and protected Lukas by cutting the wolf on its front side to scare it off. He didn't want to kill it which is why he only cut it. Surprisingly enough, the wolf left. An hour later, they found Iceland and went home.

"I remember that like it was yesterday," Norway said while smiling.

"See? I told you," Matthias said with a grin.

"You absolute dork. Jeg elsker deg," Norway said while hugging Denmark tightly.

"Jeg elsker også dig, Norge. And I always will!"

"So, did you hear about Italy and Romano being pregnant?" Norway wanted to have kids but didn't know if Denmark wanted any. All he did was wait. He was too shy to talk to him about it and was afraid Denmark would say no.

"I did. It actually surprised me. And of course, their kids are gonna be cute. Our kids will be cuter though."

"Our kids?"

"Yup! I want at least three kids, Norge! Wouldn't it be fun?" Denmark was almost yelling due to his excitement about having kids one day.

Norway grinned which was a rare thing for him. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Denmark wanted kids!

"Yeah, I want three as well, Den," Norway said. His eyes began to slowly close. Soon enough, he fell asleep in Denmark's arms. Denmark carried him to their room and gently placed him on the bed. He cuddled Norway and kissed his head before falling asleep. Tomorrow, they'd talk about their future together.


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