I'm Happy

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Guys, oh my God. I'm so happy. And, no. I'm not dating anyone. I started talking to a girl and while I do have a slight crush on her, I'm so happy talking to her. We talk about so many things and she lives in Colorado and as y'all know, I live in Texas but she wants to go to A-Kon so we're talking about her possibly coming. It's not til June but if things work out as far as being friends goes, and she's able to come, I'll be so happy. We've decided that if we stay friends as adults, we'll move to Japan (which I've planned on doing anyways) and while we have our jobs (hopefully I'll be a photographer) we'll open up a cat café. We're talking about that right now and I'm smiling so much. I mean, I just said that we could knit sweaters and sell them to customers who have hairless cats. I'm just smiling like an idiot. And I'm liking her more. Which I'm trying to control so that I don't end up dating her bc that'd more than likely ruin our friendship. And I really don't want that. She's gorgeous (which makes me wonder why she thinks someone like me is cute), she's so incredibly sweet like holy shit, she's ambitious, she can draw (she drew me Jyushimatsu bc I was having a shitty day. And I didn't ask her to), she's understanding, she's hilarious, she loves cats as much as I do, we have so much in common and...idk. She's just amazing. She's someone I definitely don't want to lose and I'm so happy thinking about all this, but at the same time, I'm on the verge of tears just thinking about us losing contact even before A-Kon. I absolutely do not want to lose her bc even if we don't date at all, she's the source of my happiness at the moment. And happiness is always short-lived for me. I'm the happiest I've ever been and I 100% mean it this time. Dating her would only be a plus to all this. Waiting for the day that we can finally meet in person is worth it because it's her.

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