Adding On To The F.A.C.E Family Part 2

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A few days after France and England found out they were having a baby, they decided to invite Alfred and Matthew over for dinner to tell them the news. France called Canada while England called America. The two nations were coming over in two days. America would be bringing his boyfriend Allen along (A/N Sorry if you don't ship America x 2p! America. I ship it so....) and Canada would be bringing Prussia along. (A/N Again, sorry if you disagree with any of my ships)

For now, France and England decided to cuddle all day. They were still incredibly happy. France cried tears of joy when the doctor told them. He had recently found out that Italy, Romano, and Finland were pregnant and now his precious husband was pregnant with his child.

__________________time skip cuz I'm lazy_________________

As France got up to cook some food for the guests that were coming over, someone knocked on the door.

"I got it love!" England shouted.

"But Angleterre. You're pregnant," France complained.

"I'm only three weeks along, France. It's okay," England replied.

"Fine," he replied while walking to the kitchen.

England went to the door and opened it. He was greeted by Matthew and Gilbert. The couple hugged the British nation. He let them in and the three of them went to the living room and sat down on the navy blue couch.

"France, love, it's Canada and Prussia! Come say hello," England yelled to France. Prussia leaned over to Canada and kissed his lover's cheek, making him blush. At that same moment, France walked into the living room.

"Bonjour Matthew and Gilbert. How have you guys been? Has anything exciting happened since the last time we saw you two?"

"Hallo, Francis."

"Bonjour papa. We've been just fine. We got a puppy and named him Fritz. Other than that, nothing much has happened," Canada replied quietly. Ever since he and Prussia started dating, he learned to speak a little louder. He still spoke quietly but it was louder than before. He loved Prussia deeply and considered himself lucky to have him. He also loved Germany and Italy (obviously not in the same way) and was happy to be able to call them his brothers-in-law.

"Good. As long as you are happy with each other, I'm happy. Of course, my beautiful Angleterre's happiness is also important to me as well as Alfred and Allen's. Anyways, I'm going to make some poutine and wurst for you two and two burgers and a salad for Alfred and Allen. It shouldn't take too long," France said. He then walked over to England and kissed his head which caused the British man to blush a deep shade of red. France laughed and walked back into the kitchen.

While France was making the food, England, Prussia, and Canada talked about Italy, Romano, and Finland being pregnant. They all congratulated them when they heard the news. Canada then said how he and Prussia were thinking about having kids.

"Well, not right now. I want to wait a little bit since we got married ten years ago and still want to do so much. I mean, we're nations we don't really age so we have enough time. Then again, I do love kids a lot," Canada said.

"Ja. I love kids too. Birdie and I have been talking about it for a year now and we think we might just have a kid in two years," Prussia added.

"You should go for it! Francis and I want to have grandchildren already. Plus, I'm one hundred percent sure your children will be beautiful. You have Canada's wavy hair, your white hair, both of you have beautiful eyes and pale skin. They'll be very beautiful children," England said while smiling.

"Merci, dad. That was very sweet of you," Canada said.

"Ja, danke Arthur. I'm sure that if you and France ever decided to have more kids, they'd be beautiful as well," Prussia replied.


The three of them talked for another hour before Francis yelled that the food was ready. They all went to the dining room and sat down. As they sat down, someone knocked on the door and France got up to open it. He was greeted by America and 2p!America.

"Hello!" They said in unison.

"Bonjour Alfred and Allen. Please, come in," France replied while smiling

The couple walked into the dining room and greeted everyone else. France gave them their food (he knew he was smart for making their food already) and sat back down.

"Oh! France, you made me a salad. Thank you for that," Allen said. He really was happy about it since most people would forget that he's a vegan.

"Thanks for the burgers and fries, dad," Alfred said.

"You're welcome," Francis said to the two of them.

They all began eating. While they were eating, they talked about how things were going for them. They talked for two hours. After they finished their food, England picked up the plates and put them in the sink while France grabbed the cups and washed them. Soon after, the six of them walked into the living room. England sat on the couch and waited for France to sit next to him. When he did, Arthur looked at him and raised an eyebrow as if to ask ,"Now?" France nodded and grabbed his lover's hand and squeezed it lightly.

"England and I have something very very important to tell you four," France began. "Well...uh...Angleterre, why don't you tell them?"

"Bloody frog....Alright. So...Canada and America, you're going to have a little brother or sister," England said nervously. He looked at the Canadian and the American. They were utterly shocked and were unable to speak. Then, they smiled. America then said, "I knew you dudes would eventually have kids. Even if it took a billion years, I knew it'd happen. Congratulations guys!"

Canada, Prussia and 2p!America all yelled congratulations as well and went to hug the couple. England and France smiled and thanked them.

"So, if he/she ends up with eyebrows like you Dad, I'm gonna cry" America said. He then added that he hoped they had France's eyebrows. The three couples then talked about their futures and how hard it probably is to raise kids.

"Hey, we raised America and Canada. This baby will be fine," England said.

Four hours later, the two couples stayed in the guest rooms while France and England went to theirs. They all slept peacefully...mostly. They could hear Alfred and Allen.

All these chapters are so shitty. I'm sorry. Thanks a lot if you read this! It makes me happy

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