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Thank you so so so so much to xToxic_Stories for letting me use this amazing idea of hers. I love you and all my readers. I hope you all enjoy this!-Vladimir

For the past five months, Canada and Prussia have been trying to have a baby. Sadly, they have had no luck so far. The thing that really sucked was that Canada would take a pregnancy test, it would come out positive but when he would take another a few days later, it would come out negative. Just in case, he would take another one after that but it always came out negative too.

After a while of this, Canada began to get very frustrated and the smallest thing would set him off. This, of course, led to Matthew and Gilbert arguing. But they would always make up afterwards.


Matthew walked into the living room and plopped down on the couch. He sighed before grabbing the remote and turning on the TV. He flipped through the channels, leaving it on some documentary, not really paying attention to what was on. His mind was more on him and Prussia trying to have a baby. That's all he wanted. Was that too much to ask? For a baby?

Prussia then walked into the living room and upon noticing the blond, sat on the couch.

"Hallo, liebe," he said quietly. Canada smiled at him before saying hello.

"Did you need anything, love?" Canada asked.

"Nein. I just wanted to be with you. Or do you want to be alone?"

"Non! It's fine," Canada said while leaning his head on Prussia's shoulder. He leaned up and kissed Prussia's cheek. Prussia smiled and wrapped an arm around Canada.

"So are you even paying attention to what's on?" Prussia asked with a smile.

"Not really. I just sorta turned the TV on and got lost in thought," Canada replied.

"What were you thinking about?"

"Kids...Gil, what if we're unable to have children of our own?" Canada asked. He knew they'd have to adopt if they couldn't have kids and that honestly didn't bother him; he'd love to give a child a home and loving parents. But...he really wanted a child of his own. And so did Prussia.

"Birdie...what if we're just not ready yet?" Prussia said. Canada looked at him, surprised.

"Are you saying you don't want kids yet?" Canada asked.

"No! Of course I want kids now. But what if we're really not ready?"

"Gil...I've been thinking about this for over a year. I'm pretty sure I'm ready to have a kid. Why do you think I was crying so much when I told you..." Canada replied, a bit upset. Prussia easily caught on that he was upset.

"I'm sorry Birdie. I didn't mean to upset you..."

"Well you did," Canada said while getting up. He walked to the bedroom and laid in bed, sighing in frustration. Prussia ran his fingers through his hair and sighed.

"Gott verdammt. Warum bin ich so dumm?" he said quietly. He walked up to the bedroom and saw that the bathroom door was closed and the light was on. 'What's he-ohhh. We had sex like two weeks ago,'  Prussia thought quietly. After a minute, Canada walked out. When he noticed the albino, he looked down.

"What's wrong?" Prussia asked.

"It's positive. But it's probably like last time. I'm scared to check again..." Canada replied quietly.

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