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Ivan and Yao were at the hospital. Yao had just given birth to their son and daughter. Their daughter, Xiu, had Russia's white/blond hair and China's light brown eyes. She was the personification of Beijing. Their son, Nikolai, had China's brown hair and Russia's violet eyes and nose. He was the personification of Moscow. Russia looked at his beautiful children, his violet eyes full of tears. He bent down and kissed China who smiled. After a few seconds, they pulled away.

" 我爱你," Yao said with a small smile on his face. He then put Xiu in Ivan's arms. Russia kissed his daughter's cheek before saying," Я тоже тебя люблю. Thanks for always being there for me, Yao. Especially when no one else wanted to be my friend or talk to me. You're the best."

"You're welcome, Ivan."

After China said that, Hong Kong, Iceland, Japan and Greece walked into the hospital room. China smiled and rushed them over. Hong Kong and Japan looked down at their niece and nephew. Hong Kong smiled and asked to carry Xiu while Japan asked to carry Nikolai. Hong Kong and Iceland were expecting a child in five months and couldn't wait to see their baby.

"Which one is Moscow and which one's Beijing?" Iceland asked.

"Xiu is Beijing and Nikolai is Moscow," Russia replied.

"They're very beautiful, Ivan and Yao. Congratulations," Greece said.

" Спасибо."

" 谢谢."

"When are you due, Iceland?" China asked.

"On October 17. I'm only four months along so we don't know the gender of our baby just yet. We're hoping it's a girl though. We'd love to have a daughter," Emil replied while smiling.

"I hope nothing but the best for you two," China said. Iceland smiled and went over to hug China.

"Þakka þér , Kína."

"You're welcome, Emil."

Just then, Xiu began to cry. Hong Kong gave the hungry baby to China who had a bottle of milk on a small wooden table next to him. He gave the milk to his daughter and continued talking to the other countries. Japan looked down at Nikolai and smiled softly. The baby then grabbed Japan's finger and cuddled into his chest. Greece, who was sitting next to Japan, laughed quietly and kissed Kiku's cheek.

"He's so precious. He's beautiful," Greece said with a small smile. He didn't say anything to Japan but he wanted a baby. He decided to wait a while before telling his husband. It seemed like everyone was getting pregnant so he thought it'd be a good idea to wait. Greece poked the baby's cheek (A/N: this is what i do when i see a baby for the first time...oops) which made him smile. After a few minutes, Nikolai fell asleep. Japan gave him to Russia and decided to sit next to him and talk. Greece looked over and smiled before continuing his conversation with Iceland, China and Hong Kong.

"How did you feel when Yao told you he was pregnant, Ivan?" Japan asked.

"I was kind of surprised since I didn't think he would ever want children and because we uh...usually use condoms... I was still very happy about it though." Russia said with a slight blush on his pale cheeks. Japan smiled and continued asking Russia some questions.

"Do you think you're ever gonna have anymore kids?"


"How did you feel when the doctor said you were having twins?"


Japan asked many questions but it didn't bother Russia since he enjoyed talking to people. He was used to everyone being afraid of him and avoiding him so conversations, even short ones, made him incredibly happy. Russia thought to himself for a little bit before finally thinking, "I'm never going to leave my kids completely alone. I don't want them to feel the loneliness and emptiness I felt for so long. They're too precious and too important to me. I just don't want them to get hurt. Ever."

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