Amusement Park

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First, I want to apologize for taking so long to update. I'm really not motivated to write anymore. Or do anything for that matter. But I'm not gonna stop. I also wanted to say that I seriously fucked up all the time periods here so once I introduce the HongIce and DenNor kids and write that Japan and Canada are pregnant, I'll do a six year time skip so that things will make more sense. I also wanted to thank the2ndderptor for giving me a few ideas and letting me use them. I especially want to thank xToxic_Stories. She gave me so many amazing suggestions and I'm so thankful that she's letting me use them. She came up with the plot for this one as well as 4 other plots for future chapters. Thank you so much to the two of you! I love you! And I love all you readers. - Vladimir


Alfred jumped up and down in joy as Allen drove to their destination for their date.The couple hadn't gone on a date in a while and wanted to go out today since it was beautiful outside. And so they did. They had decided to go to an amusement park because, why not? Al loved amusement parks and Allen loved seeing his eyes full of excitement so they easily agreed on that.

Allen drove for a few more minutes before finally arriving to the park. Once he parked, Alfred immediately opened the car door and jumped out. Allen chuckled and got out as well.

"Geez, Al. Try to be excited," Allen said sarcastically. America ran up to him and wrapped his arms around him. Allen chuckled and leaned forward and gently kissed him. They pulled away after a few seconds and began walking towards the entrance.

After they got in, Alfred grabbed Allen's arm and pulled him towards the bumper cars. They paid (A/N: you do this, right? It's been a while since I went to an amusement park and it wasn't for a band competition) They quickly got in one each and waited for a few more seconds as more people came in.

Finally, the cars began to move and Alfred immediately went for Allen. He laughed when Allen shrieked out of surprise. Allen was then bumped by two kids who were laughing. America winked at Allen and went around him and rammed into the kids (they're 12, it's fine). They smiled and chased after America while Allen followed them.The whole time they were on the bumper cars, Allen and Alfred were playing with the kids.

After they finished with the bumper cars, they waved at the kids and smiled before walking around, looking for a ride. Alfred of course loved the big, scary rides while Allen preferred to stay away from those. Half the time they went on rides that Alfred liked and the other half was spent walking around and eating every now and then. They spent the whole day there. A little while before they left, Allen had gone to use the bathroom. Meanwhile, Alfred had spotted a ride he wanted to get on. No, he didn't want to get on it. He needed to get on it. When Allen walked out of the restroom, Alfred immediately grabbed him by the arm and dragged him over to see it. It had two loops, three drops, and was super fast.

"Let's go to that one!" Alfred yelled while smiling and pointing at the ride. Allen followed his finger and saw the horror he was eager to get on. His crimson eyes widened in fear.

"Hell no! I'm gonna die on that one!" he yelled while trying to walk away. Alfred hugged him from behind and whimpered.

"Please?" he asked quietly.

"No, Al. I'm scared to get on," Allen responded. Alfred whimpered again, louder this time. He turned Allen around to face him and made a pouty face.


"No, Al. I'm sorry," Allen said while looking away. America then looked at Allen with big blue eyes and continued to pout.

"Pleeeeaaasssseeee? Please, Allen?"

"Fine! You and your damn pouty gets me every time. You're way too adorable, Al," Allen said with a smile. Alfred grinned and kissed Allen on the cheek.

"Yay!! Thank you! I love you," America said as he hugged his husband. Allen blushed and hugged back.

"I love you too, angel face," he said while hugging. Finally, they released and walked towards the ride. After a few minutes of waiting in line, they finally got on.

"Is it too late to get off?" Allen asked as the ride started. They slowly went up, Alfred grinning and Allen clinging onto him.

After a few seconds, they made it to the top. America smiled at Allen and kissed the top of his head right before they went down.

"FUCK ME IN THE ASS. HOLY SHIT!" Allen shrieked as they went down. Alfred laughed the whole way down while Allen screamed.

-------------------------time skip to when they're off-----------------------

"See? It wasn't so bad. Right?" Alfred asked a trembling Allen as they walked to the car. Allen looked at him. If looks could kill, everyone within a 3 mile radius of the couple would die.

"I almost died, babe," he whined.

"No you didn't!" America replied while laughing.

"Yeah I did! I screamed the whole time and I had a death grip on you!"

"Whatever, babe. You're exaggerating," America said with a wink.

"When we get home, you're gonna cuddle me whether you want to or not!" Allen said with a pout.

"That's fine with me," he replied while laughing.


When the couple finally made it home, it was eleven at night and they were worn out. They dragged themselves to bed and got under the many, many blankets. Allen scooted towards Alfred and nuzzled his chest. Alfred then wrapped his arms around Allen and kissed his forehead. 

"Did you have fun today?" America asked as he and Allen cuddled. He looked down and was met with Allen's beautiful crimson eyes. Allen leaned up and kissed America. America kissed back and smiled into the kiss.

"Of course I had fun. Even when I almost died," Allen said after they pulled away. He pulled America closer to him and pressed their foreheads together. They stared into each other's eyes, seeing love and adoration in each other's eyes. 

"I love you, angel face," Allen said with a smile. America smiled brightly and kissed Allen's cheek.

"I love you too, Allen," he whispered softly as he brushed a maroon strand of hair away from his cheek. Allen smiled and kissed America's cheek before nuzzling his chest again and falling asleep. 

"Goodnight, my beautiful prince," America whispered before falling asleep.


I'm sorry it took me so long to upload this. School started and I already have A LOT of homework. I also couldn't figure out how to write this after those amazing people gave me their ideas. So again, I'm sorry this took so long. Since school started, I won't be able to update as much. I hope you enjoyed this and again, thank you so so so much to xToxic_Stories. Bye!-Vladimir

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