Years Later

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Here is the chapter requested by @Anime_lover1617 I hope you like it, love and I hope the rest of you like it as well. I'm sorry this took a while. I'm starting school on the 22nd so it's gonna be harder to update. Maybe. Idk. I'm not gonna have as much work this year since it's not a talented and gifted school. We'll see how it goes.


(Canada's POV)

I can't believe it's been 17 years since my baby girl Melina was born...I remember how badly Gil and I wanted her. We didn't think we'd be able to have our own kids at all. Then, I found out I was pregnant with her. Two years later, Frederick was born. Ottawa and Toronto. Today is Frederick's 15th birthday. I remember holding him in my arms, his lilac eyes looking up at me and his curly, blond hair a mess. That chubby 8 month old was now 15. God, how time flies. Melina has always been a beautiful girl. Crimson eyes and wavy, blond hair. Talented, too. Both of them are talented. Melina is an amazing artist and Frederick sings so beautifully. It pains me to think that they'll be moving out soon. But, they have to grow up. Although they'll always be my babies.

I snap out of my thoughts when I hear a yawn coming from the bottom of the stairs. I turn towards the yawn and see Frederick, glasses in his hands and his hair messier than usual. He's so tall. He's almost my height. And I'm 5'10.

"G'morning, dad," he says sleepily.

"Good morning, dear. Sleep well?" I ask as he sits down next to me after pouring himself some apple juice.

"Mhmmm," he says with a sleepy smile. I swear he's still 7 years old.

"Happy birthday, Frederick," I say, wrapping my arm around his shoulder and kissing his forehead.

"Thanks, dad. I feel old," he replies.

"Oh, hush. You're so young. Your dad's old," I say with a smile. He looks at me and chuckles.

"Which one?" He replies.

"Frederick, please. I'm young compared to most of the other nations." I say, refusing to accept the fact that I am, in fact, old.

"Well you're both old," he says.

"Whatever. How's Aphrodite?" I ask with a smile. His cheeks flush at the mention of his girlfriend. I knew it was gonna happen. They'd been best friends since they were 5. At that time, we still knew her as a little boy named Ares. Once she asked to be called Aphrodite, Frederick quickly adjusted, only asking why she wanted to be called Aphrodite. When she said she was a girl, Frederick just smiled and continued playing with her.

"She's doing great. She's about to be 3 months on estrogen," he replied with a smile.

"So she's doing it after puberty?" I asked.

"Yeah, she was afraid to do it before puberty and her voice wasn't that deep when she hit puberty so she doesn't regret it. She's been a little more emotional since she started. But it's nothing I can't handle," he explained.

"That's good, then. That she doesn't regret it. Anyway, go wake her up so she can have breakfast, " I replied. He nodded and went to his room to wake her up. Now you're probably thinking, 'matthew what the fuck are you not worried aBOUT THEM HAVING SEX?' I'm not. Not just because they know better but 1)Frederick can't even say I love you without stuttering and blushing 2)Aphrodite might not even be ready. The poor girl probably has really bad dysphoria. And Frederick is so sweet and will wait for her to be ready so he could even hug her. She has to constantly tell him that he can hug her any time he wants to. So that's why I'm not worried.

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