You're in big trouble mister!

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Heads up, while this is not my first story I've written. I do have other stories that I write but they're on Instagram, and sometimes I just kind of run out of ways to kind of like make my stories better I guess to say? So there may be times where my writing is not as good as it can be. Also, I've read over this thing probably 50 times so if there's any mistakes. Please let me know please!

Jay and Erin have a beautiful son, his name is Locklan Henry Halstead, he's 10 years old as of 3 months ago. His birthday is November 12th 2012. Locklan has been severely acting out ever since his mother was murdered in cold blood a week before his 10th birthday. It's been a little over 2 months since the incident and he's struggling to cope but that's no excuse for his poor behavior. The closet thing he has ever had to a grandfather at least on his mother's side, is the Intelligence unit's one and only, Sergeant Henry ‘Hank’ Voight.

Just returning back to the 21st district and about to head upstairs to the bullpen, Jay receives a phone call from Locklan's school principal; Mr. Evans, informing him that his son has been suspended from Thursday and can't return to the school until Monday. It's currently the middle of the day on a Wednesday. “Yo, Jay, you coming or what?” Adam asks, just a few steps up from the bullpen gate. “Uh, yeah yeah. I'm right behind you.” Jay answers, slipping his phone back into his jacket pocket. Everyone else was already upstairs at their desks or standing around the whiteboard. Jay walks upstairs and goes to Hank's office. He knocks, “Yeah?” A raspy voice answers. “Serg,” Jay enters the office. Hank leaned back in his chair, feet propped up on his desk and hands behind his head with his fingers in a locked position. “I have to go out for a few. My kid can't seem to keep himself out of trouble lately.” Jay lets out a sigh of frustration. “What happened?” Hank asks, putting his feet down, sitting straight up and leaning forward with his elbows resting on the desk and voice filled with concern. That is his grandson after all. “He's suspended. I have to go pick him up.” Jay answers, annoyance clear in his tone. “Alright, go ahead. Keep your radio on.” Hank nods his head. “Thanks, serg. I'll be back in no time.” Jay says, “Door open or closed?” He asks, before exiting his office. “Closed. Thanks Halstead.” Hank answers, Jay nods and shuts the door behind him. Jay grabs the keys to his truck and waves for Hailey to come. She quickly stands up from her seated position behind her desk, grabbing her coat and slipping her arms through the sleeves. Hailey and Jay walk downstairs and outside to Jay's truck. A few minutes later, The partners arrive at Locklan's elementary school, “I'll be back, stay here.” Jay says, before getting out and heading inside.

Once inside the school building, Jay spots his kid outside of Mr. Evans'  office, sitting in one of the chairs outside his office. His head hung low, fiddling with his thumbs and shifting nervously in his seat. “Locklan.” Jay says, approaching his son. When Locklan doesn't look up from the floor, “Locklan!” Jay says, louder. This time Locklan glances up at him before turning his attention back to the floor. “I'll deal with you after I talk with your principal.” Jay knocks before entering. “Come in.” Mr. Evans calls out. Jay enters. “Mr. Halstead, I wish this visit was under better circumstances but unfortunately that is not the case.” Mr. Evans says. “Yeah me too. Not to be rude, but I am still on the clock, I have my partner in my truck and unfortunately criminals don't take breaks no matter the circumstances.” Jay lets out a nervous chuckle. “Ah, yes. Sorry. Please sit.” Mr. Evans says, Jay takes a seat across from Mr. Evans. “Lets get down to it, shall we?” He asks. “Yes, please.” Jay answers. “As you may be aware, Locklan is suspended. This suspension is from tomorrow until Monday. Given the circumstances, I've let certain things slide with little to no punishment but his behavior has just gotten worse. We're only 3 days into the week and he's back talking to his main teacher, he has gotten into more than two physical altercations with other boys on the playground and has destroyed the classroom. Giving me no choice but to suspend him.” Mr. Evans explains. Jay sighs, softly, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I'm so sorry. I promise you, Locklan will be properly dealt with.” Jay replies. “Thank you, Mr. Halstead. And my staff and I are very sorry for the loss of your wife again.” Mr. Evans stands up as Jay does the same. “Thank you, Mr. Evans. Appreciate it.” Jay shakes his hand before leaving the office.

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