Welcome Home!

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November 12th, Jay and Erin have just left the hospital with very precious cargo in the back seat. "Are you sure you installed the base correctly?" Erin asks her husband. "Yes, babe. Not my first rodeo. I have a nephew you know." Jay answers his wife. "Our nephew!" Erin corrects her husband. "Mine, ours, same thing." Jay chuckles. "Careful, we have precious cargo back there!" Erin says as Jay accidentally pushed down on the brakes harder than he intended to. "Sorry, sorry Locky mans." Jay apologizes to his wife and brand-new 2 day old son. Erin and Jay chitchat the rest of the drive home, Jay has his hand resting on his wife's thigh and one hand on the wheel. They pull up to their 2 bedroom house in Canaryville; the neighborhood Jay and Will grew up in. Erin attempts to get out, she's halfway out of the truck when Jay tries to stop her. "Babe! You just had a baby two days ago. Now is not the time to be miss independent. Wait until I get on that side." He says. "Listen here, I'm not fragile. I'm not going to break. Relax a bit will ya?" Erin replies. "At least wait for me and let me help you into the house." Jay says, opening his door and getting out. He walks over to Erin's side and helps her up to the porch. "Get our son!" She says, "I'm going, I have to unlock the door first!" Jay replies. He unlocks the front door and helps Erin to the couch before going back out to the truck to retrieve their precious cargo. "Hi little buddy, you ready for this?" Jay asks as he takes the car seat out from the base. "Awe big yawn for such a little guy." He smiles and heads inside. Their German shepherd; Draco, is so excited to see his humans and have them back. He's an old man but still so sweet and gentle. "Hi old man" Jay says, sitting Locklan's car seat down before bending down to pet Draco but Draco was more interested in his newest and very tiny furless/"naked" member of his pack. He sniffed him, the car seat and everything. "Good boy" Jay says, petting Draco. "Give me my sweet baby" Erin holds her arms out for the baby. "Our baby miss ma'am." Jay laughs, unbuckling Locklan and carefully picking him up. He hands him to Erin and sits next to her. "Mine, ours, same thing." Erin laughs and kisses the top of Locklan's little head. Draco casually strolls toward Jay with his old self and rests his head on Jay's knees and huffs. "Hi boy, that walk over here make you out of breath?" Jay stratches between his ears and Draco wags his tail. Erin stays on the couch taking in all the baby snuggles and cuddles she can get before he'll be Owen's age and be Mr. independent. The first night home went well not so well. Jay and Erin were exhausted and functioning on coffee all day. The next few weeks though they went on without a hitch. Locklan is such a calm baby now, barely cries, he really only cries when he's hungry, needs to be changed or tummy time he hates tummy time.

December 10th, Locklan is officially a month old! This last month basically flew by! "Well good morning, my sweet baby." She says in a nurturing tone to her son, laying on the bed. Being as Locklan is a month old, he's ready to get out and see his 'Intelligence family', plus Erin and Jay are starting to go stir crazy being cooped up in their house for the last month. Although they absolutely love being parents and spending every second with their beautiful son, they're ready to get back to work! Jay was coming out of the bathroom after taking a quick shower, "I hear Daddy!" Erin whispers to Locklan and he cooed in response. "Hey babe, Hi, my Locky mans!" Jay says, gently picking Locklan up off the bed and into his arms. "Your turn, I have him." Jay says. Erin shot him a hard stare, "Are you implying i smell?" Jay chuckles to himself, "No ma'am, but you could freshen up a little" Erin smacks him, playfully and went to shower while Jay lays Locklan down in his bassinet and headed downstairs to make his bottle. Both showered and cleaned up, now it's Locklan's turn to get dressed. "He's been fed and burped," Jay informs Erin. "Thanks babe" She replies, wrapping her arms around Jay's waist and pulling him close. "Hey, not in front of the baby and last time we did this, you ended up pregnant!" Jay says, laughing. Eventually they did get Locklan dressed for the day, since Locklan was sleeping, they didn't want to disturb him, so they waited for him to wake from his little catnap to get him dressed.

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