A trip to the precinct!

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Flashback ~
Locklan's 8 years old.

Locklan is currently sitting on the couch pouting, in the living room, bummed about having no school today. "Man.." The 8 year old sighs, resting his head in his hands. In an attempt to cheer up the devastated little boy, "Hey, Mia will be here in a bit, how about she takes you, and the boys to the park. How does that sound?" Erin suggests. "Rex, and Jax are at work with Ms. Janice, and Sam, and Leo are over their Aunt and Uncle's.." Locklan says. "Awe man, well how about this, You can come to work with Daddy and I, oooor you can stay here and you, and Mia can do something?" Erin suggests. "I can go to work with you!?" That got Locklan's attention, his eyes went wide with excitement. "Yes, bubba. You certainly can." She answers as her handsome, and charismatic husband comes trotting down the stairs while whistling. "Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" Locklan jumps up from his seated position, "Well a certain little boy seems to be in a surprisingly good mood for someone who hates missing school!" Jay chuckles, filling the gap from himself, and his kid. "Mommy said I can go to work with you!" He excitedly yells, jumping up, and down. "Oh? Did she now?" Jay looks over at his drop dead gorgeous wife of his, smirking. "I did." She answers, lightly shaking her head, smiling. "What are we going to do if we get called into the field for a case?" He questions, wrapping his arms around Locklan's shoulders, the little one looks up at his Dad with sad eyes. "Trudy will watch him." Erin answers. "Have you met Platt?" He asks with a light chuckle. "In fact I have, she loves Locklan. I mean how could you possibly deny this adorable little face!" Erin walks over to the father-son duo, bending down to his level, and squishing his adorable cheeks. "Plus she has a soft spot for kids, especially this boy." She stands up, "It'll be fine." Locklan looks up at his Daddy again, smiling. "Yeah Daddy it'll be fine!" He giggles. "Go get your shoes on, bud." The family of 3 unload from Jay's truck, Locklan hurries up the district's stairs, and holds it open for his Mommy. "Thank you, bubba!" Erin says, "You're welcome Mommy!" The 8 year old smiles exposing his two front teeth missing. "Go ahead bud." Jay tells the boy, trading spots with Locklan. "Hey Sarge, how's it going today?" Jay leans against the desk. Trudy is engulfed with the huge stacks of paperwork on her desk. "Sarge?" He says again. Platt looks up at the 2 detectives standing in front of her. "Halstead, Hey." Trudy says. "Lindsay! How you doing girlfriend?" She asks. "Can't complain, Trudy. My husband and son are healthy, and happy, life couldn't be better!" She answers. "Mommy" a little voice from under the desk speaks. "Yes, baby?" She squats down, running her fingers through his hair. "I wanna see PopPop!" The little one says. "Okay we're going!" Erin smiles. "Well hi there, baby chuckles." Trudy leans over the counter, waving, and flashing one of her RARE smiles. "Hi Mrs. Platt!" Locklan said. Huge smile on his face. "I see someone is expecting a trip from the tooth fairy!" Trudy said with a wink. "Yes ma'am!" Locklan said. "Mommy, Daddy, PopPop now?" Erin and Jay smile, that boy loves his PopPop. "Yes sir, we're going now" Erin says. Locklan runs to the gate and patiently waits, Jay and Erin follow, after unlocking the gate. Locklan FLIES up the stairs and into the bullpen where he's greeted by all his work aunt and uncles. "What's up lil' homie?" Kev asks, "Hi buddy!" Kim, and Hailey say. "What's up, kiddo?" Adam says. "What's happening lil' man?" Dante asks. Locklan says his hellos and gives hugs, and high fives to everyone. "Do I hear my favorite little guy?" Hank's raspy voice echos as he walks out of his office into the bullpen. "PopPop!" He squeaks, running over to Hank, giving him the biggest hug his little arms would allow. Hank takes the excited, giggling, 8 year old into his arms. "Sorry, Sarge, his school is closed today." Jay apologizes thinking his son would be a nuisance. "What for? I love me some Locky mans!" Hank gives the little one a tight squeeze.

(Short chapter as it was sitting in my drafts for months 🤷🏼)

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