Playing Hooky

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I know nothing about Chicago, so I'm basing this off my old house, the neighborhood, and the distance from the schools. The schools were literally all in walking distance, 5 minutes apart from one another. Also doing something a little different with this part.
Locklan's pov: My best friends and I have decided we aren't attending school today. We just want to stay home and play at the park and hangout at Sam and Leo's house to play video games. We would all hangout at my house but my Dad would kill me and well Avery and Derek are at my house to watch me. Who do they think I am? A little kid? Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love Avery, she's like a big sister to me and she's cool! Derek? Eh he's okay, I like him. He's a good guy. But the boys' parents let them stay home alone. The Whitlock twins' mom is a single parent, their 'dad' walked out on them when the twins were 2 years old, Ms. Janice does her best to raise her boys but as a single parent it's hard. Sam and Leo's parents work all the time and are rarely home. You would think Sam and Leo are the ones who need a nanny not me! Although the majority of the time my friends are over my house until their parents get home. Anyways where was I, right, skipping school. I rode my bike to our meet spot aka the park. Waited on my friends to arrive, once the boys were all there, we talked about our plans. "We have to make it seem like we went to school. We have to wait till it's a couple mins after 3:30. So like 3:45 to be safe." I said to the boys and they agreed. We spent the first half of the day playing video games at Sam's house, then we headed outback to the back alley to shoot hoops. Sam and Leo own a basketball hoop. I checked the time, it was only 2:30 We had another hour and 10 minutes to kill. We need those 5 minutes to get back from 'school'. We decided to ride our bikes up to the park and hangout there for the remainder of the time. We played and swung on the swing sets for the next hour, the next 10 minutes we spent just riding around the neighborhood, finally it was time to go home. We made a quick stop at Sam and Leo's house to grab our bookbags before riding our bikes back to my house. We dropped them in my front yard, walked inside the house and Dracula greeted us all like he does every day after school. "Hi boy!" I said to my golden retriever. He barked at me a few times, indicating he needs to go outside to do his business, I walked through the kitchen and opened the back door for him, he ran down the stairs and into the yard, did his business and came back inside. Dracula and I joined the boys on the couch, as Avery and Derek came down from upstairs. "Hi boys, how was school today?" Avery asks us. We weren't paying attention, we were busy building on Minecraft. "Anyone home?" She waves her hand in our faces, and laughs. "Boys" Derek says, sharply, catching our attention finally. "Hmmmm?" We ask, pausing the game. "Avery asked you boys a question." Derek tells us. "Oh sorry, what was it?" I ask Avery. "It's okay, how was school today?" She asks us again. "Oh, uhm it was good, right boys?" I answer and look around at my friends. "Yeah, it was fine." Leo says. "Fun!" Rex says, 'Fun? Fun? Really Rex?' I think to myself. "Educational" Jax says. "Pretty good." Sam says. "Really? Lock, you sounded awfully suspicious. And Rex, you don't like school." Avery says, adopting a stern look. "It was good! Really!" I say. "I'm not buying it. Spill." Avery crosses her arms. "Oh boy, look at the time! Let's go outside, like right now!" I say, standing up awful quick along with my friends. We don't even make it to the front door, "Stop right there." Avery uses her, 'I mean business' voice. "Come back here." Sam tries to open the door, taking a step outside. "Samuel." Avery says. "Yes, ma'am?" He asks. "Don't even think about it. Close the door." Avery says. "Yes, ma'am." Sam closes the door. "Come back here. All of you." She calls us back, we single file back to Avery with our heads down. "Sit." Avery points to the couch, we sit down, our heads facing the floor. "You skipped school today, didn't you?" She asks. We nod our heads. "Thought so." She replies. "You mad?" I ask, after a few minutes of awkward silence. "I'm not mad but I'm disappointed, boys." Avery tells us. "Please be mad!" I say, desperately. "I hate disappointing you and everyone I love.." I mumble to myself. "Look, boys. When I was your age, I skipped school. So no I'm not mad at you boys. I think at least at one point in every kid's life they've skipped or at least tried to. But I don't understand why you boys would skip, it's Friday! It's the weekend. I loved Fridays." Avery replies. "Sorry, Avery." We said. "Please don't tell my Dad." I beg. "I cannot and will not keep secrets nor lie for you. I'm sorry Lock." Avery says. "Damn, it was worth a shot.." I huff. "Now, turn off the game. No TV, no Nintendo switch, laptop, iPad or any electronics for the rest of the day. All of yous." Avery tells us. We all groan. "What are we supposed to do then?" Sam asks; he's not used to being grounded. Given Sam and Leo's parents are at work more than they are at home, they let the brothers get away with a lot. "Read, or play outside." Avery answers. "While you wait for Jay to get home." She adds, mainly speaking to myself. "Yes, ma'am." We say, "We finished?" I ask, slightly annoyed. "Yes." Avery answers. I turn off the Xbox, and TV before we head outside to play in the yard, waiting for my dad to get home and lay down the hammer.

Avery's pov: I walk back into the kitchen where my boyfriend is at and take a seat next to him. "I love it when you go all boss lady like. It's sexy!" Derek tells me, a huge smile appears on my face as I say, "Really? You think so?" He returns the smile. "Yes, my beautiful queen." He leans over and kisses my forehead gently. "I just I don't like being mean to the boys." I add with a frown. "That's not being mean, babe. It's tough love. You're tough on them because you love the boys." Derek tells me. "I know, I know.. I just feel bad." I say. "I love you beautiful." Derek says, standing up from his chair, offering his hand out, I gladly accept. He pulls me up and out of my chair rather quickly, pulling me into his chest in one swift movement. I giggle, resting my hand on his chest. "Honey bee?" Derek says, "Dere bear?" I ask him. "You have nothing to feel bad about it. They decided to play hooky, they deal with the outcome and the consequences that come along with it." Derek answers, I nod my head, and melt into his arms. I feel safe in his embrace, unlike my relationship before him, Lennox, my ex boyfriend, he was very toxic and abusive. He once showed up at a house of a little boy I was watching and accused me of seeing another man. He pushed me a few times and punched me. I dated him all throughout highschool, and one day it was like a switch snapped in his head. His true colors showed. I stayed with him though I was scared of what he would do to me if I left.. finally I grew the courage to leave. So I packed up my things and left when he was at work. I've been with Derek for a little over a year now and he has never once laid hands on me, screamed at me, call me names, or raised his voice at me. Even when we get into fights which doesn't happen very often. Although I recommend not getting on his bad side. He is a big teddy bear but he can be a bit scary if provoked. He's like a grizzly bear. He is very protective of me and anyone I'm with, he would protect me from any harm that comes my way. I feel safe with him, this is the man I'm going to marry someday. "I love you, my Dere Bear." I look up at him and kiss his soft lips. "I love you more, my honey bee." He returns my kiss.

Locklan's pov: Sam and Leo broke off two sticks, pretending they were knights, using them as swords and battling each other. Rex and Jax are kicking around my soccer ball and I'm sitting on the porch steps. Knees to my chest and Dracula laying down next to me sprawled out with not a care in the world. I am not looking forward to my Dad's return.. I know I'm in big trouble. "Yo, Lock. What's wrong?" Rex asks me. "Why the long face?" Sam also asks me, noticing I'm just sitting there. "Nothing's wrong.." I lie to my friends. "You sure?" Jax asks. "You good bro?" Leo asks. "Yeah I'm sure.. go back to whatever you were doing.." I answer. I wasn't paying attention to any of them, I'm too worried about my impending doom that awaits me.. After what felt like forever, I hear Sam, "Oh shit. Angry Dad alert." As my Dad exits his truck, heading towards us, anger and disappointment in his eyes. "Hi Dad.." I say all sweet and innocently, looking up at my Dad. "Don't "hi dad" me, boy. You're in major trouble." My Dad reaches me. "Front and center." He orders me. I stand up so I'm in front of him. The boys stealthily and quietly attempt to make their getaway, "Not so fast, boys." Jay stops the boys. "You are also in trouble. Get over here." He adds. The boys drop their bikes, lower their heads, and join me standing in front of my Dad. He lectures us, while wagging a parental finger at us. "Locklan Henry Halstead. Samuel Kash and Leonardo Arthur Lockwood. Rexford Bennet and Jaxson Brett Whitlock." My Dad says in his 'dad' voice. "Oh shit, he used our full names.." Sam mumbles. "First off Samuel, language. And you're damn right I did. You 5 are in so much trouble." Jay says, arms crossed and fixing them with a stern look. "Mr. Halstead, please don't tell our mom!" Rex tries to plea. "Your principal already called your parents and let me tell you, they are not happy at all." Jay replies, keeping that stern look on his face. "We're dead. We're dead. Well it was nice knowing you guys.." Jax says, quietly. "Now, since your parents are at work, and they can't leave, Sam, Leo, Rex, and Jax you are staying at my house. Until your parents get home." Jay tells the boys. "Mr. Halstead, you don't have to do that. Really, we can just go back to our own houses." Sam speaks for the boys. "With no adult supervision? Yeah I think not." Jay shakes his head. "Well it was worth a shot.." Sam replies. "But nice try, Sam." Jay says. "Now march yourselves back into the house." My Dad orders us. "Avery and Derek will watch you boys." He tells us, before heading back to his truck. "Wait, you're leaving again?" I ask him. "Yes, Lock. I'm in the middle of working a case. I'll see you later on tonight." My Dad answers. I huff, loudly, "You're always working!" I yell, annoyance clear in my tone. "I know that bud, but you know criminals don't stop and someone has to take care of them. I'll be back, I love you." My dad tells me. "Listen to Avery and Derek. They're still in charge." He tells us. "Now go!" He gets in his truck and waits until we walk back inside before pulling off.

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