Street lights

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3rd person pov: Just like every day during the week, Jay's at work and so Avery and Derek are over at the Halstead home. The boys had just come back inside the house drenched in sweat and panting. Derek and Avery are sitting on the couch snuggling up together watching another romantic movie with Dracula resting his head in Avery's lap. The boys made their way to the kitchen, Locklan opened the fridge door and handed out refreshingly, icy cold water bottles to his friends. The boys had spent their morning at the park, riding bikes around the neighborhood, a few rounds of hoops and jumping on Jax and Rex's new trampoline. The boys each took a seat at the table. Derek happened to get up and walk to where the boys were sitting, making small talk and talking about what they're going to do with the rest of their day! "Phew, you boys need a shower!" Derek took a whiff of the boys and waved his hand around, jokingly. "And how in the hell do you boys still have so much energy?!" He asks with an amused laugh. "Simple, Dere Bear." Locklan laughs, "We're young unlike you two." Derek shoots Locklan a 'you're walking on thin ice kid' look. "Sorry.." Locklan apologizes after a few seconds of Derek's intense eye contact with the boy.

Locklan's pov: "We're going back outside!" I hollered to Avery and Derek in the living room before the boys and I went to head back outside through the kitchen door. The boys were all outside already in the backyard and I was about to join them when I heard barking. Dracula had come running to the back door, tail wagging a hundred miles per hour and happily panting. He circled around me, he does this now whenever he wants to go outside and play with me and my friends. Crouching down, Dracula stopped circling and came to me. "I'm sorry boy, you can't come outside to play with us right now. It's too hot for you. And I don't want you to overheat!" I patted his head a few times before kissing him on the snoot. Locklan despite his age is very knowledgeable on dogs. "Go see Avery and Derek, boy. I'll be back in a few hours. I love you, Draccy boy!" I kiss his fluffy and adorable little snoot again and stand up, opening the door and start to step outside. When Dracula rushes past me, causing me to tumble down the 6 metal stairs outside. "Locklan!" I hear Avery, Derek and the boys. Sam, Leo, Rex, and Jax rush over to me. Seconds later I feel strong arms grab me from behind. I turn around and see it's Derek. "Are you alright?!" Everyone asks me, concern fills their voices. "Yeah I'm good." I say, standing up and dusting myself off. Dracula had come racing over to me. I could tell he felt bad about what just happened. He laid down on his belly on the little cement walkway that leads to the back alleyway. His ears flattened, tail tucked and he was avoiding eye contact with me. I know he had to be hot from laying down on the burning  walkway. "Dracula, steh." I say in a calm voice. Dracula stands up, "Heir, boy." He slowly trots up to me and rests his head in my lap. "Hey, I'm okay, boy. I'm fine. It was just a little scrap. I love you my Draccy boy." I say to him. He starts to slowly wag his tail again and his ears perk back up. He licks my face and I laugh. "Okay, okay, you're forgiven, boy." I wrap my arms around him gently and kiss the top of his fluffy and soft head. "Go use the bathroom and then back inside, okay?" I tell my golden retriever and he barks before going to the grass, picking his left back leg up to pee. He kicks the grass patch he just used like a cat does when they're finished with their business in the litter boxes. We all laugh as he then proceeds to flop down on his back, and starts rolling around. This goes on for a good minute, "Okay, Dracula, Geh Rein." I command and watch Dracula right himself before trotting back up the metal staircase with Avery and Derek following behind.

3rd person pov: After another fun filled day, the evening came to an end. The street lights came on and Avery called the boys inside. But instead of listening like they usually do, the boys protested. "But Avery!" Locklan whines. "No buts, Locklan. The street lights are on." She says, standing at the front door. "Soooooooo," Locklan says back. "Soooooo, get your little butts inside, please." Avery says. The other boys head inside the house while Locklan chose to stay outside. "But I don't want to go inside just yet!" Locklan whines louder, stomping his foot on the ground. "Locklan inside now." Avery tells her stubborn, young charge. "No! Make me!" Locklan sticks his tongue out at her and crosses his arms. Avery's taken back by that. 'What has gotten into this boy.' She thinks to herself. "Locklan this is the last time I'm telling you, now get your little butt in this house now." She tells her charge again, but this time in a stern tone. Which normally when Avery uses that tone with him and it's rare that she does, Locklan listens. " Hmmm, let me think about it. Yeah I thought about it. How about no!" Locklan laughs. "Don't make me get Derek." Avery threatens the 10 year old boy and once again that threat usually works on him. "I'm not scared of him!" Locklan says. To be honest he is a tad intimidated by Derek. But somehow he seems to have gotten a quick surge of bravery and is standing his ground. So when Locklan shows no sign to move from his spot at the end of the curb, Avery calls for reinforcements. "Hey, Dere Bear." A few seconds later and Derek is standing next to Avery. "Yes, Honey Bee?" He asks. "Can you get Locklan please?" Avery asks and Derek nods his head, kissing her lips and walks down the stairs straight to the curb where Locklan was casually standing. Taking a strong grip on the boy's ear, he takes Locklan into the house.

Locklan's pov: "Let go of my ear!" I shout. Smacking at Derek's hand. He looks over at Avery, she nods and he lets go. I flop down, angrily, on the couch. Letting out a loud huff, crossing my arms again and pout. "Where's my dad?!" I ask. "He should be home by now!" Just then I hear Avery's phone ring. Walking over to her purse, she pulls her phone out and answers. I watch as her body language shifts. Her whole demeanor changed. She looks shocked. I stand up and walk over to her as she ends the call. She lets out a low sigh before turning around to face me. "Lock, your Dad-" I cut her off. "No! No! No!" I say. Tears immediately fill my eyes. "Your Dad.. He was-" I ran upstairs to my room without even saying goodbye to my friends. I throw myself onto my bed and bury my face into my pillow. Avery and Derek come upstairs a few minutes after I ran upstairs. I didn't even notice either of them coming into my room until Avery sat down beside me next to my pillow and Derek by my legs. "Lock," I hear Avery say. I ignore her. I'm distracted by the thoughts racing through my head like cars on a speedway. 'I can't do this again.' It wasn't until I heard a voice talking to me. I snap out of my trance. "Hey, Lock, talk to me, bud." Avery calmly says. I slowly turn over so I am now laying flat on my back. I just stare at her with fresh tears threatening to escape my eyes, blinking and trying to stop them. "What happened to my Dad?" I question with a shaky voice. "He was shot an-" I start to cry again. I'm scared to ask but I need to know. "He's dead isn't he?" Avery shakes her head. I let out a shaky but relieved sigh. "Where'd he get shot?" I ask. "Actually he was shot twice.." The second I hear the words leave her mouth I quickly grab a pillow and cover my face. Derek gently removes the pillow from my face, "Lock," He says in a soft tone. I lost myself and fell back into my trance. The thoughts racing through my head once again on repeat like a broken record playing over and over. I grab another pillow and cover my face again. The thoughts still overwhelming me and once again I was snapped out of my trance this time from another familiar voice. Avery's voice. "Hey, he's fine, he's at Med and your Uncle Will is taking very good care of him." I hear what she's saying but I simply cannot process or register this. Once again, the pillow is removed from my face. I sit up just enough to shake my head. "No! No this can't happen again.. not again.." I mumble to myself, repeatedly. "When can I see him?" I finally found my voice after a few minutes. "After he gets out of surgery and Is settled in." Avery answers.

To be continued...  Maybe 🤔

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