🏀 Basketball 🏀

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~ Flashback ~

Jay, Erin and Locklan are at home today as Intelligence has the day off. The little family is watching Lion King on Disney Plus. Locklan is sitting on Jay and Erin is snuggled up in her husband's arms. The movie was just about over when Jay's phone started ringing. He reached over to grab his phone on the night stand and seen it was his older brother, Will, calling him. "Hey, what's up?" Jay asks, answering his phone. "What are you doing?" Will asks. "We were watching Lion King, why what's up?" Jay answers. "Well, Nat is taking Owen to the park for a bit. Was wondering if you wanted to come along and shoot some hoops?" Will replies. "Yeah, sure. What time?" Jay says. "Well it's 1 now, you guys eat yet?" Will asks. "Not yet, but I could eat. Whatcha thinking?" Jay replies. "Hmmm, we always go to safehouse chicago, how about Crosby's kitchen? Nat's been wanting to take Owen there." Will replies. "Sounds good to me." Jay says, they talk for a bit before ending the call. "Locky, you wanna go to the park with Uncle Will and play with Owen?" Jay asks his 4 year old son. "Park! Park! Park! Park!" Locklan chants excitedly, jumping on Jay like he's a trampoline. "Ok, ok, we're going." Jay laughs. "Babe, you wanna come? Nat will be there to" Jay informs Erin. "Yeah sure, Locky mans let's get you dressed. Erin and Jay get dressed before Erin gets Locklan dressed.

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Jay opens Erin's door, "Thank you, my kind sir

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Jay opens Erin's door, "Thank you, my kind sir." She says and courtesies before getting in the passenger seat. Jay buckles Locklan in his car seat and hops in the front seat. They meet Will, Nat and Owen at Crosby's kitchen.

The families took a seat at one of the booths with a window view

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The families took a seat at one of the booths with a window view. Jay and Erin sat on one side, Locklan in Erin's lap and Will, Owen and Nat sat on the other side of them. A waitress came over and introduced herself, "Hi, I'm Josie. I'll be your waitress today, What can I get you started with? Drinks?" She asks. "Hi, can I have a beer, please?" Jay asks Josie. "Oh make that two!" Will says. "Pepsi, please." Erin says, "And i'll have a coke please?" Nat says. "Gotcha, and what can I get for you two little adorable boys?" She asks, writing down the drink orders for the adults. "Soda please!" The 7 year old says, trying to be sneaky. Josie looks at Will and Nat, "He'll have fruit punch, thank you!" Nat says and smiles. "And for you?" She asks Locklan. "Please have juice" Locklan says. "Alrighty, I'll have your drinks out in just a few! And I'll be back to take your food orders!" And with that, Josie walks away. About 5 minutes later, Josie came back with their drinks and wrote down their food orders. "Food will be out shortly, folks." She smiles. "Thank you" The brothers, Erin and Nat reply, as she was called to another table. The families ate their food before heading to Taylor-Lauridsen Park. Will and Jay head for the basketball courts, while Erin and Nat supervise their little boys.

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