At Ease

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Locklan's pov: My friends just went home and I was sitting upstairs in my room with Dracula. Avery and Derek are downstairs. My Dad should be home any minute. I hear the front door open a few minutes later and know it's my Dad. I hear him say his goodbyes to Avery and Derek and then footsteps just outside of my closed bedroom door a moment later. "Lock," I hear my Dad say. "Yes, sir?" I ask. "Can I come in?" Jay asks. "Yeah." I answer and then the door opens. He walks inside and towards my bed that I was laying down on. I sit up and make room for him. Expecting for him to take a seat, "Front and center." He orders. A puzzled look crosses my face. "What?" I ask. "Front and center!" My Dad orders again. Still confused I comply anyways. I get out of my comfy bed, letting out an unpleasant groan. My Dad gives me a look and I straighten up quickly. I stand in front of him, head down and hands behind my back. "At ease." I look up at him. "Sit," He orders. I sit and he sits down next to me.

"Lock, we need to talk," My Dad starts. I nod for him to continue on. "Are you mad?" I ask him. "No, sir. Not mad, but I am  very disappointed in you." I knew this was coming but damn it still hurts. I seriously hate disappointing him. "I'm sorry, Daddy." I say without looking at him. "I know you are." He says, "Hey, look at me." I look at him with a few stray tears in my eyes. "Hey, why're you crying Locky mans?" He wipes my tears gently away with his thumb. "I disappointed you.." I say in a low whisper. "I know you know that, why did you do it?" Jay asks. "I-i- jus-" I start to say. God I seriously hate disappointing him, why do I do this? I just wanted a day to hangout with my best friends and play video games and play at the park and ride bikes. "I just wanted to hangout with my boys and just have some fun.." I answer. "Bud, you see them every day, you go to the same school and you have the same classes." My Dad says. I lower my head in shame. "I know it's just that.." I say. "What, bud?" I take a breath and swallow. "We're starting middle school in August.. and then we.. won't have the same classes no more.." I say. "I see, and I understand that. But this can't go unpunished you know." I nod my head. "Avery told me earlier that she had already grounded you from everything for the day." Jay says. "Yeah bu-" I start. "No, no buts." He says. "Yes, sir. Sorry." I say. "I'm extending that for another week." I don't even bother to argue it's pointless. "Yes, sir." I simply nod. "You can play outside but no trips to the park, no sleepovers, no friends' houses, you are to stay in the yard." Jay stands up and heads for the door. "Wait-" I say. "Yes?" He stops at the door. "Does that mean I can't hangout with my friends?" I ask. "You can hangout with the boys at our house. Under the supervision of myself, or Avery and Derek while I'm at work."

3rd person pov: After what felt like forever to Locklan, his grounding was over and he was finally a free man! The first thing he did was meet his friends at his house and they rode their bikes to the playground

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3rd person pov: After what felt like forever to Locklan, his grounding was over and he was finally a free man! The first thing he did was meet his friends at his house and they rode their bikes to the playground. Right before his grounding, the boys found themselves a little fort in the woods behind the playground. It was a good sized tree house with a wooden ladder, a nice monster truck sized tire swing on the side and a green 6 foot slide.

 It was a good sized tree house with a wooden ladder, a nice monster truck sized tire swing on the side and a green 6 foot slide

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The boys climbed up the ladder, "Wait!" Locklan says. "What?" Sam asks. "What's the matter?" Leo says. "How's Dracula getting up here?" Jax asks. "Dogs can climb!" Rex says. "Right?" He asks and everyone shakes their heads. "No stupid!" Jax smacks his twin brother upside his head. "I have an idea!" Leo says. He slides down the slide and tries to pick up the heavy 70 pound golden retriever. "Man, Locklan what the hell you feed him?!" Leo says, out of breath. "Dude he can't be that heavy!" Sam climbs down the ladder. "Watch!" He tries to pick up Dracula and fails. "Yeah see not so easy now is it!" Leo laughs. "Watch and learn boys!" Rex jumps down from the tree house. "Okay easy does it now," Luckily for the boys, Dracula is a very patient and good boy. He tolerates all their failed attempts at getting him up the ladder. He in fact is actually enjoying the attention. "Wait! We've doing this all wrong!" Jax says. "The slide!" He says. "Come on Drac!" Locklan says, Dracula follows his boy to the slide. "Rex, Leo, help me get him up the slide, Sam, Jax, go back to the top and pull him up!" Locklan tells his friends. "What are we supposed to pull him up by?" Jax asks. "His collar!" Locklan answers. "Okay!" Jax says. Locklan, Rex and Leo try and push Dracula up the slide but he keeps slipping and can't get his footing or would it be pawing? Poor Jax ends up falling head first down the slide reaching down to grab Dracula's collar. The boys at the bottom of the slide, Dracula and Jax all collide as he fell head first. It was a kid pile. They all sat there laughing and Dracula laying on his back waiting for belly rubs.

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