Ice cream 🍦🍨

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3rd person pov: "When can I see him?" The young boy asks Avery. "After he gets out of surgery and Is settled in." She answers. "Will you stay with me?" The young brown haired boy asks, looking at the young blonde haired woman with pleading eyes. "Yes, yes of course I will!" The young blonde haired woman answers. "Thank you.." The young brown haired boy answers. "I would never ever leave you home by yourself, bud. You know that." Avery says. "Derek?" Locklan whispers. "Yeah, little wolf?" The young brown haired man replies. "Can you stay too, please?" He looks at the young brown haired man. "Yes, little wolf. I can!" The young brown haired boy stares at the young blonde haired woman and young man sitting on his bed. After a minute he lunges forward throwing himself into the young brown haired man's arms, wrapping his arms around his neck and crying into his chest. "Can you two stay with me?" Locklan quietly asks, looking between the two on his bed. "Yes, Lock. We are staying with you." Avery answers, wiping her own stray tears from her eyes now. Jay has become more like family. She has only known the two for roughly 6 months. But they've all grown quite fondly of each other and care a great deal about one another. Especially Locklan and Avery. Jay is like a second father to Avery and Locklan is the younger brother she always wanted. "No..I mean.. stay here.." The young brown haired boy mumbles. "Yes, baby boy. We'll stay here with you." Avery answers, laying down next to the young brown haired boy. "Hey, you two need or want anything?" The young man stands up from the bed. "No thank you, Dere Bear." Avery smiles. "Alright, Honey Bee. What about you, little wolf?" He replies. The young boy just shakes his head, blinking trying to keep the tears from escaping his eyes once again. "I'm going to uh run home quick and take care of the animals. I'll be back, okay?" The young man kisses the blonde haired woman on her forehead gently, leaning over to ruffle up Locklan's hair and kiss him on the forehead as well. "Drive safe, Dere Bear. I love you, my handsome king." Avery says. "I love you more, my beautiful queen. And always, Honey Bee." Derek replies with a wink and another kiss. Derek left and went to their house. He fed the animals, let the dogs out for the night, and gave everyone fresh water. He arrived back at Locklan's house, went upstairs and found Locklan and Dracula sleeping in Jay's bed. Locklan was holding one of his Dad's shirts close to him, Dracula sprawled out next to him, Avery laying down with her arm wrapped around her young charge. Derek carefully climbed up in the bed next to Locklan as he was in the middle of the giant California King sized bed. Derek and Avery held hands as they too started to drift off to sleep.

The next morning...

Locklan's pov: I'm upstairs in my Dad's bedroom which I haven't left since last night. Sitting up with my legs crisscross apple sauce style, clutching my Dad's shirt tightly to my chest. Taking a small whiff, it smells like his cologne and it reminds me of him. Dracula refuses to leave me, his head is resting in my lap and he's whining. He knows I'm sad. He just doesn't know why I'm sad. He did the same thing when I found out my Mom was murdered. He refused to leave my side.

Derek is downstairs in the kitchen making breakfast for us

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Derek is downstairs in the kitchen making breakfast for us. Avery had run to their house to take care of the animals. "Lock!" I hear Derek call for me from the kitchen. I didn't respond. "Little wolf?" I hear footsteps just outside of my Dad's bedroom. "Hey, little wolf. Breakfast is ready." I look up, my vision slightly blurred from all the tears. It's Derek standing in the doorway. "You hungry? I can make you a plate?" Derek asks me. "You can even eat up here. I won't tell anyone if you don't." He smiles and winks at me. "Not hungry.." I answer him. He walks over to me and sits on the edge of the bed. "C'mere," He gently pulls me into him. "How about we go see your Dad today? Hmm? How's that sound? I hear he's been asking to see you. He's really worried about you, little wolf." I shake my head. "No? I thought you wanted to go see him?" Derek asks, his voice is soft and gentle. "No!" I shout, pulling away from him, I get off the bed and hurry to my Dad's en suite, I slam the bathroom door and collapse to my knees the second the door is closed. I feel sick. The thoughts racing around in my head like a race horse on the race courses. 'He's worried about me? I'm worried about him! I can't lose another parent.. I can't go through that again.. I can't deal with the heartache and the grief..' I must have been in the bathroom for ages. I snap out of my thoughts as I hear the door knob rattling followed by, "Lock? Locklan, are you okay?" It's Avery's voice. "Hey, little wolf, your friends are here. They're very concerned for you." Derek says. Then I hear another familiar voice on the other side of the door. "Lock?" I hear Sam's voice. Dracula's stratching at the bathroom door. "Hey, bro. We just want to make sure you're okay." Rex says. After I collect myself, I stand up and open the door. "I'm fine." I simply say. I shove past everyone, leaving my Dad's room and go to my own. Dracula follows of course. After he gets into the room I shut and lock the door after me.

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