Toddler down

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Flashback ~

Jay, Erin, and Locklan are getting ready to leave the house to run a few errands. Jay went to pick up Locklan like he normally does right before they leave the house, he picked him up but the second he did, Locklan squirmed around in Jay's grip. "Down! Down!" He cries. "You want down?" Jay asks, shocked. "I thought you always wanted me to hold you.." He mumbles to himself. "Maybe he wants me to hold him?" Erin holds her arms out for Locklan, "No mama me big boy" Locklan shakes his head. "Well then, I guess our baby is not a baby anymore.." She pouts. "You don't want mommy or I to carry you?" Jay asks their 2 year old.  He shakes his head, "Me walk!" Locklan says, "Me walk! Me big boy!" He insists. Jay sets him down, taking his hand, and opening the door. The little family walk out the front door, head towards the garage where Erin's SUV is parked. There was a sheet of black ice covering the driveway, Jay slipped, and fell on his ass, taking Locklan down with him. "Babe!" Erin says, "You alright?" She asks, Jay tries to stand up but slips again. Locklan is on his belly, crying. "Lock!" Erin almost slides and joins the boys, she manages to stay up, and pick up their crying 2 year old. "You're okay, Mommy's got you" She assures him, holding him. "Uh babe, a little help here?" Jay asks, "Oh right" She laughs, setting Locklan down in the grass, and helping Jay up off the icy driveway. His ass is soaked from the ice, "That's it, forget these errands" Jay says, once he's back to the safety of the grass. Once Erin knew her husband, and son are physically fine, she couldn't keep her laughter in any longer. Both Jay, and Locklan gave Erin a death glare. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry it was just funny" She keeps laughing, and the look on their faces were priceless.

(Short chapter I know I'm sorry)

Something similar happened to me 3 years ago, we were leaving my mom's boyfriend's house, and well there was a sheet of black ice, and next thing I know I'm falling down, and landing hard AF on my hip, and sliding halfway down the driveway with my 3 year old niece in tow. He had an inclined driveway leading down to a fence. Once my sister, and mom made sure we both were okay they started laughing their asses off. It's funny now but at the time it was not, my ass was cold, and wet. I had to sit on the towel the whole way home 🫤 the first thing I did after I stopped laughing at myself was to check on my niece as she was on her back, and then my oldest niece told my mom, "I wanna do that!" And tried ice skating' down the driveway. 🤣

𝘈𝘭𝘭 𝘐𝘵 𝘛𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘴 𝘐𝘴 𝘖𝘯𝘦 𝘚𝘩𝘰𝘵 Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ