Prankster 🎃

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Locklan, Sam, Leo and the Whitlock twins go out trick or treating or so Avery and Derek think that's what they're doing.

"I'm meeting up with the boys! I'll be back in a few hours!" Locklan hollers to Avery and Derek in the kitchen. "Wait, where are you going?" Avery asks her charge. "Uhm, trick or treating!" Locklan answers. "It's Halloween, free candy, duh!" He adds. "Wait up, Derek and I will join you!" Avery says. "I'm good, thanks!" Locklan replies. "Lock, you're 10 years old, going out with four other 10 years old. Your Dad wouldn't be too happy if I let you go out alone!" Avery says. "I'm not alone, the boys and Dracula are coming with!" Locklan says. "Plus someone has to hand out candy to the trick or treaters!" He adds. "Well I can go with you boys if you want?" Derek offers. "No thanks. I gotta go, the boys are waiting for me!" Locklan lies. "See you in a few hours!" He starts to head for the door. "Locklan Henry Halstead. Don't you take another step, Either Derek or I are going with you or you won't go at all. End of discussion." Avery says in her serious, stern, tone. She doesn't use it often but when she does, Locklan knows she means business. "Ugh, fine!" Locklan says, huffing loudly. "Dracula, Heir!" He commands, Dracula runs and sits next to him. Sam walks inside, "Locks, what's up man?" Sam says, doing their special handshake. "Nothing much" Locklan replies. "So when are we doi-" Sam starts but Locklan quickly drags him upstairs. "What are you doing?" Sam is very confused. "You didn't see Avery and Derek standing in the kitchen?! They don't know what we're planning!" Locklan explains. "Oops" Sam says. "Yeah oops! You almost got us busted!" Locklan says, throwing his hands in the air. "Sorry Locks" Sam apologizes. "It's fine" Locklan accepts his apology. "We're just waiting on Leo and the twins." He says. "And no talking about what we're planning on doing later!" He adds. "Locks, Sam!" Avery hollers upstairs for the boys. "Yeah?" Locklan and Sam holler back downstairs. "Leo, Rex and Jax are here!" Avery informs Locklan and Sam. "Okay thanks, be down in a second!" Locklan says. They head back downstairs, "Our bikes are outside. You ready?" Leo asks the boys. "Ready for what exactly?" Avery asks, entering the living room where the boys are. "Uhm nothing! Nothing at all!" Locklan says. "Uh huh" Avery says, "And why do you need your bikes? We're walking, are we not?" She asks. "Uh yeah right, Leo, Rex, Jax and Sam rode them over here" Locklan answers. "Hmm, okay then. Let's go!" She says, heading for the front door. "Dere Bear, come on!" She calls. "Actually babe, I was thinking about what Locklan said earlier, and maybe you should stay here to hand out candy and give me some time to get to know the boys!" Derek says. "I don't know, the boys can be a handful" Avery says. "Come on babe, they'll behave themselves. Right boys?" Derek fixes them with a look. The boys nod. Derek although sweet and would never hurt a fly can be quite scary sometimes. "Alright, you listen to everything Derek tells you to do, yes?" Avery asks. "Yes" the boys answer. "Boys, ready to go?" Derek asks the boys. "Yes" the boys answer. "Dracula, heir" Locklan commands. Dracula runs to him. "Sitz" Dracula sits, "Steh, fuss." Dracula stands and heels at Locklan's side. Derek and the boys left to go start trick-or-treating, they walked up to a few houses while Derek waited at the end of the yards.

After another few more houses, "There we went trick-or-treating, can we go back now?" Locklan asks Derek. "You don't want to get anymore candy?" Derek asks. "No, I just want to go home." Locklan replies. "Okay, let's go home then" Derek says. They head home after the boys say goodbye to each other. Locklan goes upstairs and locks his door. Avery and Derek sit down on the couch with Dracula, watching Hubie Halloween on Netflix. (I'm currently watching that) Little did Avery and Derek know, Locklan was sneaking out of his bedroom window, he tied his sheets and comforter together to make a makeshift rope. Once he was outside, he met up with the boys and they got to work. "Let's go egg Mr. Wilson's house!" Locklan says and the boys rode to Mr. Wilson's house. They egged his front door, his garage door and his car parked out front. They pulled out the rolls of toilet paper from Leo's backbag and threw a couple rolls covering the tree in his front yard and his house.

"Who's our next victim?" Rex asks

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"Who's our next victim?" Rex asks.
"Hmm, Ms. Jackson she's just down the street!" Locklan answers with an evil smirk. They egged another few houses on their block and then went back to their own houses. Locklan snuck back in and well let's just say, he was met by two angry adults with their arms crossed. "Seriously?" Avery questions Locklan. "Locklan, do you even realize how scared we were?" Derek adds. "I didn't even do anything." Locklan throws his hands in the air. "Uhm how about sneaking out?" Avery replies. "Do you even realize how dangerous it was to sneak out and especially the way you did it?!" Derek asks. Locklan just shrugs his shoulders in response. "You're grounded, Locklan!" Avery tells him. "What? No! You have no right to do that, you dumb bitch!" Locklan screams. "Hey! You don't talk to her like that! Apologize now!" Derek raises his voice and fixes him with a look again. "Hmmm, how about no!" Locklan says, his turn to cross his arms. "Now get the hell out of my damn room!" He pushes Avery and Derek out of his room, locking the door after the couple. "I know that little boy didn't do what I just think he did." Avery says to her boyfriend. "I must be seeing and hearing things." She adds, right hand on her right hip. "He did and you're not seeing or hearing things, babes." Derek replies. "Dracula, c'mon." Avery tries to get Dracula to come but he just sits at Locklan's door, whining. "Come on Dere Bear" Avery says, heading for the stairs, Derek follows and they go back downstairs to watch another movie. Once Jay gets wind of his behavior, well it's safe to say he's gonna be dead.
Not only did he cuss at Avery, he disrespected her and he knows better than that. Avery and Derek ended up staying overnight since Jay had to stay and work a case and Derek had ran home real quick to feed their animals.

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