You're all pigs

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"Your mom was a pig and you know what happens to pigs? They get slaughtered! My uncle did this city a favor!" said, the school's bully: Nathan. Locklan charged Nathan, pinning him against the lockers with his forearm against his neck. "What'd you say about my mother? She was no pig! She was a detective! She served this city, proudly and she died serving this city!" Locklan swung on Nathan, and gave him a nice shiner, before being pulled off by one of their teachers, "Enough, boys!" Mr. Smith said and separated the two. "You're a bitch like your pig mom!" Nathan yelled to Locklan, "Oink, Oink!" Locklan broke free from Mr. Smith's hold, tackling Nathan to the ground and beating him up. Another teacher came running to help and ended up accidentally taking an elbow to the face. Locklan's best friends: the Whitlock twins, Sam and Leo saw their best friend, beating the mess out of Nathan, they watched proudly from a distance. "Beat his ass, Lock! Get him! Fight! Fight! Fight!" His friends cheered him on. Unfortunately, both boys ended up in the principal's office and Jay, and Nathan's dad were called into the school.

Both boys sat outside the Principal's office, Jay and Nathan's dad arrived at the same time and when Nathan's dad: Mr. Jones laid eyes on the two boys, he grabbed Nathan by the shirt and whispered in his ear, "I'll handle your ass later" The two fathers entered the office and took a seat. "So how're you handling this? My boy's innocent! His is not! He's got anger issues!" Mr. Jones yelled. "My son was defending his mother, he doesn't have anger issues" Jay replied. "Says you! Your whole family is pigs! We slaughter pigs!" Mr. Jones stood up and stepped to Jay. "I suggest you sit your ass right back down, before I make you!" Jay said. "Or we can take this outside and I'll beat your ass!" Mr. Jones warned. Jay snickered at that comment, "Funny, I'd love to see you try!"
Meanwhile outside of the office, "You know your uncle took a little boy hostage, right?" Locklan said. "Did not! That was my other uncle! You pigs killed them both for no reason!" Nathan replied. Back in Mr. Evans' office, "Both of you sit down, the boys are suspended for one week!" Principal Evans said, Mr. Jones stormed out of the office, grabbed Nathan by his ear and left. Jay calmly walked out of his office and over to Locklan he knelt down beside him and said, "I'm not mad, bud. I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself and defending your mother's honor. Let's go back to the district, okay?" He said and Locklan hugged him, Jay hugged him back.

"Can we get ice cream on the way?" Locklan asked Jay, "Yes," He answered, "We can get some ice cream!" Jay said, loud enough for Nathan and his Dad to hear. Both Nathan and Mr. Jones scoffed in disbelief. "Yeah reward your pathetic little bitch boy!" Mr. Jones said. "My son is not pathetic and he certainly is not a bitch!" Jay stopped dead in his tracks, turning around and landing a hard blow to his face. "There now you and your son have matching shiners!" Jay chuckled and walked away with his arm wrapped around Locklan.

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