Sunday Funday 🚞

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I do not speak or know German. I am using Google translate for my German. If any of yous speak or know German, please let me know and make me aware of any misunderstandings with my German. Although giving commands in German is different with dogs.

It's been about 2 weeks since the incident and every time someone knocks on the door, it startles Locklan and makes him flinch and Dracula runs to the door no matter where he is in the house. Jay's getting ready for work, Locklan is sitting on his Dad's bed watching him finish getting ready with Dracula sitting next to him. "Daaaaad" Locklan says. "Yes?" Jay asks his son. "Do you have to go to work?" He answers. "You wanna eat? Sleep in your bed? Have money for me to spoil your little ass?" Jay replies, chuckling. "Yes, but I don't want you to go.." Locklan says. "Then I have to go to work" Jay says. "but I'll be alone.." Locklan mumbles. "You won't be alone, Avery will be with you and you have Dracula." Jay says, "Avery is here. Go see her, I'll be down in a minute. Okay?" He tells his son. Locklan jumps off Jay's bed and goes downstairs with Dracula in tow. "Hi, Avery" Locklan greets, sitting in the middle of the stairs. "There's my favorite little man!" Avery smiles. Locklan stays there until Jay comes downstairs, "What're you doing bud?" He asks, ruffling up his kid's hair as he passes by him, Locklan shrugs in response. "Well, i'll see you when I get home. I love you, listen to Avery and don't stay up late, you have school tomorrow." Jay says. "Thank you Avery for coming. We caught a last minute case and I'm late." He explains. "It's stupid, it's Sunday. It's your day off and you're going to work, I hate this! I hate you! You always put work first! We were supposed to have a Sunday funday!" Locklan storms off upstairs, Dracula following behind. "I know, buddy, I'm sorry. I promise i'll make it up to you!" Jay hollers upstairs, "Am I a bad father?" He turns to Avery and asks. "No, not at all. He's just upset. I'm sure he's fine. We'll be fine." Avery answers with a reassuring smile. "Yeah I guess so.." Jay mumbles to himself. "I just hate myself for disappointing him and him being disappointed with me. You know? I hate that I have to put work first sometimes and over my own kid.." He sighs, softly. "Hey, he's not disappointed with you. He's upset, it's natural. I'll take him to the park or something. And maybe we'll get ice cream." Avery says, trying to make Jay feel a little better. "Thank you again, but I really have to go now." Jay says, grabbing his coat and keys. "I love you, my Locky mans!" He hollers upstairs one last time before leaving.

After Jay left, Avery headed upstairs to Locklan's room, she knocked as the door was closed and regardless she would have knocked even if it was open. "What?" He yelled, sitting in his gaming chair. "May I come in?" Avery asks. "I don't care." He answers, frustration clear in his tone. Avery walks in the room and sits on the bed. "I know you're upset bud, I would be too. But your Dad has to work, and he loves you so very much. Don't ever forget that, okay?" Avery says. "If he loves me so much he wouldn't go to fucking work! It's his day off and he drops everything and goes to work! He always works! That stupid bullpen is his house now!!" Locklan yells. "He works to take care of you. He's trying his best, being a parent let alone a single parent is a lot to deal with. You have to cut him a little slack, bud." Avery explains. "Yeah whatever. Can you just leave me alone?" Locklan replies. He's not in the mood for company yet. "Yes, I'll be downstairs if you need anything, okay?" Avery stands up and heads for the door.

"Avery?" He says, "Yes?" She turns around. "I'm sorry, I'm just annoyed and mad at my Dad. He's always working.." Locklan explains. "I know buddy, and that's understandable, my father raised me alone, we didn't have any help. My 'mom' was never in my life. And you know what? I turned out just fine. I have an amazing relationship with my father!" Avery says, smiling, and using air quotes around the word Mom. "Yeah I'm pretty lucky I guess.." Locklan says. "Can we watch my favorite show?" He asks. "Of course." Avery answers. "What's your favorite show?" She asks. "Right now? The vampire diaries! Damon's my favorite!!" Locklan answers, excitedly. "I love Damon! I joke around with my boyfriend that Damon/ Ian Somerhalder Is my husband!" Avery replies, laughing. They head downstairs, Locklan makes popcorn for the two of them and they sit on the couch.

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