small update /edited update

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Sorry I haven't posted anything yet, we were in Kansas for my older brother's wedding, I had a small 30 second seizure the other day on the way there and then yesterday I almost had another one.

Then on our way back home a big ass Buck weighing in at least 250lbs with a serious rack ran into our car wrecking the front all up. It was so bad, my little cousin's door wouldn't open. My cat who was sleeping peacefully in her bed in-between my sister and I who were also sleeping, freaked out and ended up clawing the mess out of my legs, luckily for me I was using my jacket as a pillow and when she freaked out she climbed up on my head and the jacket covered my face.

Pikachu is definitely traumatized from yesterday's events. She didn't understand why we were all getting out of the car on the middle of a bust ass highway except my little cousin her door was jammed shut from the impact and it took out a head light.

If my Dad wasn't such a good driver, we would have rolled our car and ended up in the middle of the woods. He had seconds to react and did his best to avoid the big dumbass deer but uhm the deer had other plans 🤦‍♀️

Things could have gone a lot worse than they did yesterday, my little cousin could have been severely injured, my cat would have been thrown through the windshield since he would have came straight through the windshield instead of us clipping it and a piece of his antler being embedded in our windshield.

But we're all okay, just uhm stranded in a Hilton inns hotel somewhere in Indiana. Fun times. Once the adrenaline wore off earlier this morning, I had a mental breakdown, crying and overall just extremely overwhelmed and I'm stressing. I have one dose of my seizure meds left and well we still don't know how we're getting home and my new inhaler is in our totaled car. And it's my youngest nephew's first Halloween, I've never missed a Halloween with them since my middle niece was born and it's looking like I'm going to have to miss his😭

After 36 hours, 5 hours of waiting around for a cargo van from Penske, we're finally on our way back home!

After 36 hours, 5 hours of waiting around for a cargo van from Penske, we're finally on our way back home!

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Pikachu chilling between my Dad and I

My little cousin reading her book, my older sister asleep, and our stuff in the back 🙄

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My little cousin reading her book, my older sister asleep, and our stuff in the back 🙄

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