6th birthday bash!!

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Throw back ~
Locklan's 6th birthday bash!!

Locklan throws himself down on the floor, kicking his legs, pounding his little fists on the ground, and screaming, throwing a little temper tantrum in the middle of the toy isle of Target. Jay towering over him, bending down, and smacking his little behind with just enough force to grab his attention. "Locklan, that's enough now." Says Jay, warningly, to the tantrum throwing 6 year old boy, before taking Locklan into his arms. "I want the toy truck!!" The 6 year old boy continues on screaming, and thrashing in his Dad's arms. "We don't scream, kick, hit, or lay on the floor. Daddy told you no, because Mommy and I have a very special surprise for you, and your party is later on today, bud." Jay explains to the distraught young boy. "And guess what?" He adds, as Locklan started to settle down in his arms. He let out a huge yawn, resting his head on Jay's shoulder, tiredly, as he clutched onto his stuffed dog. "What?" Locklan asks, sleepily and rubbing his eyes. "In just a few hours, you're going to get lots of presents!" Answers Jay, rubbing his son's back, soothingly. "Tired, bud?" Locklan lets out another yawn just as big as the first one. "Hmph" He mumbles, barely able to keep his little eyes open. The family has been out and about since 8 am, so he's a little tired. Erin met up with her hubby and son who were standing just outside of the toy isle. Jay's rocking back and forth with a sleeping 6 year old in his arms. "All set?" Jay chuckles lightly, seeing his wife return with a loaded cart filled from top to bottom with party supplies for Locklan's police themed party. "Yeppers." Erin answers her hubby.

Erin pushes the cart, Jay's carrying their sleeping boy as they head towards the checkout. The little family of three head for the exit after paying of course. They reach Jay's truck, he quickly but carefully buckles Locklan into his car seat, cautious of not to wake the sleeping boy. As you know, to never wake a sleeping child, otherwise they'd have a very grumpy little boy on their 20 minute drive home. Once they arrive back at their house, Erin walked around to Locklan's side, opening the door and carefully unbuckling the sleeping boy, taking their son into his arms, Locklan shifted a bit in Erin's arms but quickly settled into the comfort of her arms.

While Jay grabbed the bags from their previous trip to Target, Erin had since unlocked their front door, walking up the stairs to lay Locklan down on his bed. After successfully laying Locklan down, she plants a gentle kiss on her son's forehead before leaving the room. She heads back down the stairs, and to the kitchen where Jay was. "Ready to start setting up?" Erin asks, resting herself into Jay's arms, listening to his heartbeat. "Yes, ma'am." Jay replies with a kiss on her head. They have roughly two hours until their guests start to show up, while the birthday boy is getting his much needed beauty sleep, the two of them got to work on decorating the house, and the backyard. Erin's stringing up the kitchen and dining room with black and blue streamers, Jay's setting up tables in the backyard, covering them with black and blue table clothes, blowing up black and blue balloons, a few squad police cars, as they finish up their final touches just in time as their friends and family started arriving.

Will, his wife, Nat, their 10 year old son, Owen, their intelligence unit, Locklan's best friends' and their parents. Ms. Whitlock (single mom), Mr. and Mrs. Lockwood, and Locklan's current nanny, Mia, arrive. And they brought the very loved, and totally not spoiled, little birthday boy lots of gifts. Owen, Jax, Rex, Sam, and Leo are running around the backyard, the boys' parents are making small talk amongst each another, Jay, Hailey, and Kim are talking, Kev, and Adam are manning the grill, Dante is just standing there, in his own little corner of the yard, minding his own business, hands in the pocket of the jeans he's wearing, casually rocking on his heels, Erin had just arrived back at the house from getting Locklan's big surprise.

Locklan had woken up, came down the stairs and outside, still a tad sleepy. "Hey, Locky mans You have a good nap?" Jay walks over to the little boy, bending down to him. Locklan says something in a whiny voice. "Please use your big boy voice" Jay requests. Locklan mumbles something again in a whiny tone. "I'm sorry, bud, I can't understand you. Please use your big boy voice." He repeats his request. "Where's Mommy?" Locklan says in his normal not whiny tone. Just as Jay was about to answer, Erin came walking into the backyard holding up a medium sized box with a big bow on top. "Mommy!!" Locklan races over to Erin, wrapping his little arms around Erin's waist. "Hi baby boy," She wraps her free arm around Locklan. "When I woke up you wasn't there!" He cries into Erin's shirt. "Awe, baby boy, I'm sorry. I had to get your special gift for you!" Erin answers. Jay walks over to the two, taking the box from her, and sitting said box on the ground, before Erin picks up the still very much sleepy toddler. Kneeling down beside the box, "You wanna open your gift, Locky mans?" Jay suggests. Locklan whines in response, burying himself in Erin's shoulder. "Hey, champ, it's your birthday party, why you so upset?" Hank joins them. Again he just whines louder than before. Then suddenly a little fluffy head pokes out from the box, barking and whimpering. Catching Locklan's full attention, he whips his head around real quick almost giving himself whip lash the way he flung his head around. "Puppy! For me?" Locklan immediately throws himself to the ground, picking up the puppy, and laying on his back in the grass with the puppy on top. "What's his name?" The now giggly boy asks in between puppy kisses. "He doesn't have a name yet, what do you think his name should be?" Erin asks. Locklan sits up, "don't know" shrugging his shoulders. "Hmm, what about Apollo?" Erin suggests to the youngster. Locklan shakes his head. "Bailey?" Jay says. "Uh uh." Locklan says. "Barkley?" Hank suggests. "No" Locklan says. "Oh hey, I know a perfect name for him! What about Dracula?" Erin says. "Yeah, from that show you watch, Codename: Kids Next Door! With the vampire, what was his name again?" Jay snaps his fingers trying to think of the vamp's name. "It's Count Spankulot, Daddy!" Locklan says. "Well he's a vampire right?" Hank asks. "Yeah, PopPop" Locklan answers. "Well, you could name him Count Spankulot?" Hank suggests. "Silly PopPop, Spankulot nots a doggy name!" Locklan giggles. "Hmm, what about Count, then?" Hank tries again. "No silly PopPop" Locklan shakes his head. "I know, you love watching Hotel Transylvania right?" Erin says. "Uh huh," Locklan nods his head, "Okay, name him Count Dracula?" Erin says. "Drac for short?" Locklan nods, his smile widens, and tackles Erin with a hug. The rest of the day went on without a hitch, the boys ran around for hours playing with Locklan's new puppy dog, Count Dracula or just Drac for short.

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