breakfast in bed

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Flashback ~ Locklan is 1 years old, Erin is very much alive. And In the picture I'm using, it's NOT Elias Harger, it's Zeppelin Ackles, Jenkins Ackles son.


October 6th, it's a chilly morning in the windy City. Erin and Jay had just returned home around 2 am after paying Mia for watching their son, and climbing into their bed, hoping to get a few hours of sleep before their baby boy woke up ready for the day. But Locklan had other ideas. Bright and early at 4 am. The sweet, joyful, curious and bubbly little boy stands in his crib, babbling away to himself as he not so patiently awaits for his mom or dad to retrieve him from his crib like every morning. Erin woke upon hearing the sweet noises of their beautiful son over the baby monitor they have on the nightstand. Not so graciously making her way out of their comfy, warm bed, tripping over the left over baby toys from the night before, leaving her handsome, charismatic, and charming husband to continue his peaceful slumber. Erin quietly emerges from the room, down the hallway and towards the boy's nursery. The sounds grew louder, the closer Erin got to their son's nursery. She opens the door and pokes her head inside to see their beautiful baby boy jumping up and down in his crib, like it's a trampoline and he's a baby kangaroo. Smiling and giggling away. Happy as a clam, seeing his beautiful Mommy. "Good morning, my sweet boy!" Erin enters the nursery, walking over to the crib containing their bubbly boy. She reaches her arms into the crib and gently picks up the brown haired baby boy under his armpits before taking him into her arms.
"You have a good sleep?" Erin asks, kissing his little head. Locklan claps and smiles. "I'll take that as a yes, I'm glad to hear it, my little love!" She gently kisses his head again.

Erin for a few minutes sat in the rocking chair in the nursery, soaking in all the post sleepiness cuddles Locklan is giving. He's always a cuddly, snuggly, lil boy after waking up and before bed, he loves his snuggles and cuddles with his momma. Lock laid his head on Erin's shoulder, his body flush with Erin's chest, as she rocks him gently back and forth, running her fingers through his messy, bed head of hair. "I love you so much sweet boy" Erin whispers into his ear. Locklan smiles. "I think I hear Daddy," She says, as faint foot steps can be heard from the hallway heading towards the nursery. A few seconds later, Jay appears at the door. "Well good morning my beautiful wife, handsome boy" He steps into the nursery and walks over to the rocking chair. "Muah!" Jay kisses his beautiful wife on the lips, then places a gentle kiss on his son's head. "Good morning, Daddy!" Erin says, taking one of Lock's hands and having him wave to Jay.

"You let me sleep in? How come?" Jay asks his beautiful wife, standing behind the chair. "You needed sleep, plus you looked so peaceful, I didn't want to disturb you." Erin answers her handsome husband. "Well thank you, honey. I appreciate that but you need sleep too. I could have gotten up with the baby." Jay replies. "Eh I was up anyway, and I heard him over the monitor." Erin partly lies. "I love you, beautiful" Jay kisses Erin again, and gently takes one of locklan's tiny hands into his big hands. After a few moments of silence, Locklan let out a huge yawn. "Someone is still sleepy, huh?" Jay laughs, "Wonder why" He smiles. "I have an idea, how about we go get in mommy and daddy's bed?" Erin suggests, but more like states. "I like that plan," Jay chuckles. So the couple with their baby boy headed back to the room and piled on the bed. Locklan laid on Erin's chest as she ran her fingers through his hair with her right hand and used her left hand rubbing gentle circles on the infant's back. Jay and Erin soon found themselves succumbing to sleep and Locklan as well safe and sound on Erin's chest.

Around 9 am, Locklan woke up before his parents but with a little (a lot) of drool from a certain 1 year old boy, Jay woke up. In the midst of it, Locklan had moved to Jay and climbed up on his chest and decided to help him wake up. "Well good morning, again" Jay half awake, chuckles. Locklan smiles again and starts jumping up and down on Jay's chest while clapping and drooling again. "Oof, easy baby" Jay says to the bouncy boy. "Wanna watch Bluey?" He asks. "Bwuey, bwuey, bwuey" Locklan claps. "Alright, you can watch bluey while I make some breakfast, it's my turn to let Mommy sleep in now," Jay says. And with that, Jay quietly got out of the bed with Locklan in his arms, leaving the room to allow his beautiful wife to get her beauty sleep and going downstairs. Once downstairs, Jay sets Locklan in his playpen with some of his toys, and turns on bluey for the boy.

"Okay, you watch your Bluey or play with your toys, I'll be in the kitchen cooking up some delicious breakfast for your mommy, and us, baby boy." Jay ruffles his son's hair up before going to the kitchen and grabbing the pots and pans, and opening the fridge to grab the ingredients needed for this morning's breakfast. On the menu for today, is omelettes, bacon, hash browns, fruit, and toast. 15 minutes later, a certain little boy became fussy as he grew quite hungry. "It's almost done, baby boy" Jay tells Locklan from the kitchen. Locklan threw a toy out of the playpen and landed in the kitchen near Jay. "Hey, I'm trying here" Jay chuckles, "Going as fast as I can here, kid"

Another 15 minutes goes by and Jay announces, "It's done, wanna go see mommy?" as he walks into the living room and to the playpen. Locklan puts his hands up for Jay to pick him up and he does. Jay carries Locklan and a tray with a plate consisting of one omelette, two pieces of lightly buttered toast, 4 pieces of bacon, a coffee, a hash brown and a small bowl of blueberry, raspberry and blackberry and a few cut up strawberries. Jay reached the bedroom and sat Locklan down on the bed before taking a seat next to his wife who was still sleeping. "Wake Mommy up" Jay whispers, picking the baby up and plopping him on Erin gently as to not wake her yet. But with a little persistence more like more drool again, Erin wakes up and sees her handsome husband and adorable baby boy. "Good morning, Mommy" Jay says, "Again" with a little chuckle. "Good morning, my handsome boys" Erin sits up with lock in her arms. "Again" She smiles. "Mama" Locklan babbles. "Yes, sweet boy?" Erin asks. "Bwuey" The 1 year old boy babbles. "You want to watch bluey?" Erin asks her infant son, who nods his head. "Ok, baby boy, I'll put Bluey on for you" Erin says, searching the bed for the TV remote to their TV. "Right here, baby" Jay picks up the remote that was on the nightstand next to his side of the bed and turns on the TV.

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