Rough delivery

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~Flashback ~

"Is Aunt Erin having the baby?" Owen asked Maggie and April, as they sat in the doctor's lounge, eating a snack. "Yes sir, she is. They'll take great care of her" Maggie answered, "Or else they'll deal with me and Auntie April" She whispered. "I wanna see baby!" Owen said. "I know kiddo, they're just upstairs, and we can see them very soon" April said. "When?" Owen asked. "After Auntie Erin has the baby and they get settled" April answered, then she got paged to the ER. "Go on, I got Owen" Maggie told April, she left. Meanwhile in the L&D unit, They feared Erin would require an emergency C-section, as Baby boy's heart rate kept dropping with each contraction she had...Baby boy's umbilical cord had been wrapped around his neck, twice, and it was making his heart rate drop. The doctor walked in their room and told Erin and Jay, they're about to rush her in for an emergency C-section. Erin looked to Jay, grabbed his hands, and with tears in her eyes said, "I'm scared" Jay wiped her tears away and kissed her forehead, lightly. "I'm not leaving your side, my love. I'll be there the whole way" Erin slowly nodded her head, "Ok, I'm ready. Let's go meet our son" She was wheeled out on the bed, Jay at her side and was taken into the OR, where a beautiful baby boy was delivered. The room was silent, waiting for those precious baby cries, then they came seconds later. "He is perfect!" The doctor said, handing him to Erin and laying him on her chest. "He's beautiful!" Erin smiled, and kissed his forehead. Baby boy was cleaned off and daddy got to hold him, next. A few hours later, Jay walked downstairs and retrieved his nephew from Maggie. "Baby time?" Owen asked. "Yes, buddy, it's time to meet your baby cousin. Are you excited?" Jay replied, taking Owen's hand, heading for the elevators. "Any guesses on your new baby cousin's name?" Jay asked the very eager and excited toddler. "Hmm, spaghetti sauce!" Owen laughed. "Spaghetti sauce? You silly boy" Jay laughed, looking down at his adorable, smiling from ear to ear, nephew. "Hmm, one more guess, little man" Jay said as they exited the elevator and started to walk down the hall to Erin's room. "Spidey and iron man!" Owen said, jumping up and down, excitedly. He is obsessed with the show Spidey and his amazing friends and iron man occasionally makes his appearance. "Good guess, we'll just have to wait and see now won't we?" Jay said as they reached Erin's room. Nat is in the room, doing a quick checkup on Erin and Will is working the ED, and baby boy is sleeping in his bassinet. "Remember we have to be quiet, and gentle with Aunt Erin and baby boy, okay?" Jay reminded his nephew. "And we have to wash our hands before we hold the baby" He adds, as he opens the door. Owen got so excited when he saw Nat, he did his little happy dance and ran to her. "Hey Nat, thought you were working the ED with Will?" Jay asked his sister in law. "I am, I just had to come check on my favorite patient and sister in law!" Nat answered. "Hi baby boy!" She said, picking up Owen. "Hi mommy!" Owen said, excitedly. "Baby!" He said, pointing to the sleeping baby. "Yes, that's your new baby cousin, if you ask Auntie Erin nicely, maybe she'll let you hold him" Nat said. "Auntie Erin" Owen said. "Yes, bud?" Erin replied. "Please hold baby?" Owen asked, nicely. "Of course, sweet boy. Have Mommy or Uncle Jay help you wash your hands" Erin answered. Nat helped Owen easy his hands and sat him down on the couch in the living room before running back down to the ED. "Owen, Mommy will be back soon, okay?" Nat said to her toddler. "Otay Mommy, I wob (love) you" Owen said, with a slight pout. "Hey, are you still able to watch him tonight? Will and I are going to be working late tonight" Nat asked her brother in law. "Yeah of course, I love spending time with my fav nephew" Jay answered with a smile and ruffled his nephew's hair up. "Okay thank you so much!" Nat said, she said her goodbyes to Erin, Jay, the new baby and Owen and left. "Uncle Jay" Owen said. "What's up little man?" Jay replied. "Please hold baby now?" He asked. "Yes, bud" Jay answered, gently picking the baby boy up from his bassinet, sitting down next to Owen on the couch and helping him hold the baby. "You like him?" Jay asked, Owen nodded and kissed his head, softly. "Awe, you're going to be such a good big cousin. I see it now. He's going to be so loved and protected by everyone" Jay said with a smile. "Hims dorable (adorable)" Owen is already in love with his baby cousin. The intelligence unit has been waiting patiently in the waiting room for a few hours now and it's finally their turn to meet the newest and smallest member of the intelligence unit. Erin is sleeping as she so desperately needed the sleep, child labor is exhausting! Jay grabbed baby boy from his bassinet and headed downstairs to the waiting room. Everyone stood up and awed at the sight of the adorableness. "Say hi to your aunts and uncles, baby boy" Jay says, cradling his newbie son in his arms. "What's his name? How's Erin doing?" Everyone had questions. "Erin's fine, she's sleeping. And for baby boys name, his middle name has a special meaning" Jay explains. "I'd like to proudly introduce you all to Locklan Henry Halstead. We decided to name him after the only father figure Erin's had in her life and to this day, still very involved in all our lives." Jay says with a huge smile. 

~The picture Is Cohen Fisher from the Fishfam on YouTube~

𝘈𝘭𝘭 𝘐𝘵 𝘛𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘴 𝘐𝘴 𝘖𝘯𝘦 𝘚𝘩𝘰𝘵 Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora