"PopPop house"

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~ Flashback ~
This past week, Locklan has been saying, "PopPop house" over and over again so they've asked Hank if he wanted to babysit for a few hours while they went out to have some much needed alone time and of course he happily agreed, he loves his time with his Locky mans.

They've just pulled up outside of Hank's, they got out and walked inside. "Hey kiddo, Halstead and my favorite kiddo" Hank greets the little family and hugs them. "Hey Hank" Erin says, "Serg" Jay says, "PopPop house" Locklan says and and reaches out for Hank. "Yes we're at my house" He says, taking Locklan. "He's been saying, 'PopPop house' all week" Erin says. "So we brought him over to hangout with his PopPop" She adds. "Well he's welcome anytime" Hank smiles, kissing his head. "PopPop" Locklan says and hugs him. "Awe sweet boy" Erin smiles. "Here's his diaper bag," Jay hands Hank Locklan's diaper bag. "Ready for some fun with PopPop?" He asks Locklan. "PopPop house" He says. "Yes, we're at my house" Hank says. "Say bye bye Mama and Dada" Hank says, helping Locklan wave bye bye. "Bye baby boy" Erin kisses his little head. "Bye Locky mans, behave for PopPop" Jay tells him and Locklan smiles. "Say, I'm a perfect little angel at PopPop's house" Hank laughs, "We'll see you in a few hours" He says, kissing Erin's head. "Halstead, I would kiss you too but uhm that'd be a little awkward" Hank says, and they all laugh. "Agreed" Jay laughs. "And Hank, try not to spoil him" Erin tells him. "That's what grandpa's are for! We spoil them and send em back to you" Hank laughs, "Now get outta here, you crazy kids" Hank laughs. Jay and Erin leave and head for Molly's. Hank and Locklan go out into Hank's backyard and Locklan runs around like a little maniac.

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