Unexpected news

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3rd person pov: Day four of Jay's hospital stay. Avery had just received upsetting news about Jay. He had to go back in for another emergency surgery as his lung collapsed and he now needs a chest tube to drain the blood from his lungs. Which means instead of coming home in a week like planned, his doctors are now saying he won't be discharged for at least another two weeks now. The past 4 days have been rough on Locklan, he clung to Derek's side, he hardly ate anything besides the occasional snack which usually was a small bowl of ice cream or a popsicle, he laid in his Dad's bed, holding onto Jay's shirt, occasionally crying, not getting much sleep and when he would manage to catch a few Zzz's he'd just wake up shortly after either from a nightmare or a PTSD episode.

But today, today's a good day, Jay's supposed to be coming home in a week, so Locklan's in a surprisingly good mood. The boy is currently outside with his friends and Dracula. Running around, laughing and smiling with his friends. Excited that his Dad was coming home in a week, but little did Locklan know he was about to hear very upsetting news. Avery looked out of the bay window in the dining room and saw the boys running from the front and back yards, Dracula trailing right behind them. The boys were playing freeze tag, Dracula didn't exactly know what was taking place except his boy was happy and therefore he was happy. Avery's heart melted at the sight of the boy enjoying himself again but broke at the thought of telling the young boy the news she had to tell him. Avery must have been lost in her thoughts, she jumped when Derek came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing her neck. Avery hadn't told Derek the news yet, he was at their house taking care of their rottweilers, Harley and Diesel, their cat, Roscoe, and their four snakes. "Did I scare you, Honey Bee?" Derek asks his queen with an amused laugh. "Oh, no. Not at all, Derek.." Avery answers her king. "Okay, what's going on? You only call me Derek when something is wrong. What's going on in that beautiful mind of yours? Hmmm?" Derek questions, his voice soft. "It's just that.. look at how happy he is, he's back to his usual self.." Avery replies. "Yes, his Daddy is coming home soon, he's excited. Isn't that a good thing?" Without saying anything, Avery turned around so now she was facing Derek. Her facial expression gave Derek the answer and it wasn't the answer he was hoping for.. "Honey Bee," Derek says, wiping away the tears from her beautiful hazel brown eyes. "I need to talk to you about Jay.." Avery says, holding Derek's hand against her cheek. "I take it Jay's not coming home like planned? Is he alright?" Derek's eyebrows furrowed with concern. "Well his brother, Will, called me and said that we should really take Locklan to see his Dad as they fear Jay's time is coming to an end... They found a blood clot in his chest and awfully close to his heart.. when Jay was shot, he was shot 2 inches from his heart and one to the shoulder.." Avery answers, voice quivering. "Will said he's circling the drain.." Derek pulled Avery into a tight embrace, holding her head and crying into his shoulder, "I'm scared.. What's going to happen to Locklan god forbid.." Derek kisses the top of her head.

"Hey, hey, no don't you start thinking that way. You hear me?" His voice calm and soothing. Avery nods her head, pulling away from him, sniffling. "I- the boy has been through enough.." She says in a hushed tone. "How am I supposed to tell him, his father might die.. he already lost his mom, he can't lose the only parent he has left.." Letting out a slow and low sigh, Derek places his hands on Avery's shoulders. "Do you want me to tell him?" Avery shakes her head. "I'll do it.. but thank you though." Derek flashes a smile, kissing her head and says, "Okay, Honey Bee. I'm here if you need me and I can step in if need be." Once again Avery nods her head. "I know, Dere Bear." and kisses him. Taking a few minutes to prepare herself, she takes a deep breath and then let's it out. "Hey, boys," Avery calls for the boys from the back door. "Yes, ma'am?" The boys halt any further movement. "Can you come inside please?" She replies, maintaining her composure. "Yes, ma'am." The boys reply, racing up the metal stairs and into the kitchen. "Hey, boys, how about you head into the living room with Dracula. I need to talk to Locklan alone for a quick second." Avery tells the boys. Sam, Leo, Jax and Rex go into the living room. Locklan's eyes dart between Avery and Derek. "Wh-what's wrong?" He asks, "Baby boy, why don't we take a seat at the table?" Avery suggests. "You're starting to scare me!" The boy's eyes full with concern. "Little wolf, take a seat, please." Derek says, softly. "Why do you keep telling me to sit?" Locklan yells. "What is it? Just freaking tell me!" Avery and Derek share looks before Avery sighs. "It's your Dad, your Uncle Will called me earlier and said I should take you up there and see him. An-" Avery's cut off by Locklan throwing and knocking stuff off the table, and kitchen counters. "No! No! He's dying! He can't die.." Derek wraps his arms around the crying boy, bear hugging him to his chest.

He fights back at first but soon settled into the comfort of Derek's embrace. Locklan's best friends headed home as they've been there for the last four days or so, it was time for them to go home for a bit. Locklan's reaction was what Avery kinda expected. "I'm okay now.." The young boy says. "You can let me go now, Derek." He says, "Are you sure, little wolf?" Derek asks. "Yeah I'm fine.." Locklan says, calmly. Derek let's go, and the young boy ran upstairs the second he felt Derek release him from his grasp. Upstairs in his bedroom, you can hear lots of noises coming from his room, inside the room, Locklan had thrown his gaming system, both his laptop, and gaming monitor to the floor, Derek, and Avery practically flew up the stairs, and to Locklan's room but it was locked. "Lock? Locklan, are you okay?" Avery questions, rattling the door knob, Dracula barking, pawing at his bedroom door, frantically, and whining. "Little wolf, let us in," Derek calmly, says. "We just need to know if you're okay, Lo-" Avery's interrupted when the door suddenly swings open, and within the blink of an eye, Locklan had disappeared. He had run to his Dad's room, quickly locking both the bedroom and Jay's private bathroom doors. He ripped the bedding from Jay's bed, before crying, and screaming into one of his Dad's pillows. "Lock, please let us in. We just want to make sure you're okay, please?" Avery says, fighting back her own tears threatening to escape her beautiful hazel eyes. Derek managed to pick Jay's bedroom door lock with a butter knife, the second the door opened, Dracula went sprinting into the room, hopping on the bed, and laying right down beside his boy.

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