Hoshi - Tripped

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Requested by @Kngreer002 

The 13 members of the prestigious idol group were currently in the middle of promotions for their new comeback. As the comeback era neared the end, Seventeen finally got to get to the many fan meetings and concerts they had booked in.

"I can't wait to see Carat's again." DK exclaimed as the group approached the stadium that they would be performing at later.

"Same, it's been what? 8 months? since we last saw them." Dino said.

"Yeah about that long."

"Damn that's longer than I thought."

As the 2 singers kept chatting, the rest of the group trudged on behind them as they entered the stadium.

The 13 members quickly got ready and warmed up, getting ready for their soundcheck which passed by with no complications and finally, it was show time.

Time skip and i'm sorry i feel like i rushed that a lot but I can't be bothered rewriting it:

The concert finally reached the end and the last song, "Don't Wanna Cry" started playing on the speakers. Of course this song had rather hard choreography, considering the fact that all members had to get on their knees multiple times during this song but Hoshi had faith and trust in all 12 of them to not get hurt. However he didn't consider himself.

As MingHao leapt forward to do his butterfly kick, all eyes were on him as he landed. Unfortunately this also meant that Hoshi was too busy looking at him to notice Jun's foot in his pathway.

Tripping over the unfortunate foot, Hoshi felt sudden pain in his foot but him being the professional he was, rolled over and continued on with the choreography. Lucky, as all eyes were on the flying Minghao, no one noticed Hoshi stumble at the back. Or at least that's what he thought. Several Horangdans (Hoshi fans) who were 'fancamming' him had caught the fall on camera and had unfortunately uploaded it on their social media, asking whether or not he was ok.

Finishing the concert while trying to ignore the pain in his foot, Hoshi finally limped off the stage as the concert reached the end.

"Good job guys!" Seungcheol yelled out as the group collapsed into the many couches, exhausted from the vigorous dancing.

"I think that was one of our best concerts! No rain, no falling and no embarrassing moments!" DK exclaimed happily as he gulped down a bottle of water.

Little did he know, there was one member who was trying to hide the pain that kept getting worse in his foot.

Time skip, at night:

Hoshi just couldn't sleep, his ankle hurt worse than before and had now swelled up to the size of a tennis ball. He gingerly placed his foot on the ground to get the first aid box but pain immediately shot up his leg. The dancer winced as he tried to hide his small whimpers of pain from his roommate, DK. Finally deciding on hopping, Hoshi jumped over to the first aid box before opening it quietly to reveal the large array of bandages, ointment, medicine and more.

"Shit" Hoshi whispered as he accidentally knocked his bad foot against the table as he tried to set it down.

The blonde then took out a bandage and began wrapping his injured foot tightly as tears started to well up in his eyes. He secured the bandage with a small clip and put a sock over it to cover it up in case any of his members happened to see the bandage. The young idol then placed the first aid box away and hopped gently back to his bed before snuggling under his covers, trying to ignore his throbbing foot.

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