Seungkwan - dance practice misunderstandings

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Requested by @kwannranghae

Im sorry I didn't really add that much arguments cuz honestly I can't really picture the members lashing out at each other since their all so close so it doesn't have that much drama.

Seungkwan was stressed.

That was one way to put it.

Seungkwan was overworked.

That was another.

Seventeen were currently preparing for their comeback of 'Face the Sun' and most members found that due to this stress, they would easily lash out at each other. Because of this, they all promised each other to not take each other's words to heart as they wouldn't mean it , but sometimes, it seemed too real to be fake.

Seungkwan, the bubbly entertainer was once again on another variety show, promoting Seventeen's album. This was the 8th show he had appeared on and by now he was tired. Not only was having to be entertaining 24/7 draining him out but the idol was not allowed to skip any dance practices meaning that he had absolutely no breaks until he crashed into his bed at 11pm. Because of this, Seungkwan's body gradually worsened and the poor singer fell sick. His muscles would ache and his body would continuously get dizzy spells that made him unable to concentrate.

Luckily, he was finally on his last variety show that he needed to appear on and could finally rest after the following dance rehearsal.

Time skip:

Seungkwan entered the dance room, groaning as his weak body shuddered at the thought of endearing yet another dance practice.

"Seungkwan! You're late. Where were you?" Hoshi yelled over the loudspeaker, visibly disappointed in the singer for arriving late.

"I had a variety show filming" Seungkwan replied

"Ok but hurry up, practice has already started."

"Ok" Seungkwan sighed.

All he wanted to do was sleep.

Time skip:

2 hours into the dance practice, Seungkwan found that he was somehow forgetting all of the moves. Maybe it was the fatigue or the stress getting to him but even after running through the same move for over 30 mins, Seungkwan couldn't remember a thing.

"Seungkwan-ah, can you just get a grip, please? We've been running through this for the last half hour and we're all desperate to go home." Seungcheol said, trying to be as calm as possible

"I-I'm trying" Seungkwan huffed, clearly frustrated that he kept on forgetting the moves.

"Well try harder" Hoshi replied coldly, now annoyed at the singer.

The group watched on like a ticking time bomb as the minuets dragged out. Seungkwan however was getting more and more fatigued by the minute. Not only did the complex jumping move keep on muddling up his brain but also made his dizzy spells even worse.

"Seungkwan come onnnn" Dino nagged, tired from standing there, watching the other fail miserably at attempting the move over and over.

Seungkwan was trying, he really was. But his balance was off and his brain couldn't function anymore. The other members getting annoyed at him not only made him feel worse but also made him feel insecure about himself.

Finally having enough, Hoshi announced that the practice was now over as they were getting nowhere. Pulling Seungkwan off to the side, Hoshi made sure no one could hear them before saying,

Seventeen sickficsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt