Wonwoo - dance practice fever

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Anyways, here's a Wonwoo sickfics requested by @Doomsday204 

It's a much shorter one compared to some of the others and i'm gonna apologise in advance cuz writing more fluffy content isn't really my strong suit but here it is!

Also has anyone seen seventeen at LA3C!!!????





The last time Wonwoo had felt this bad was when he was still at home, under the comfort of his loving mother's care. But now, 10 years later, Wonwoo who was famous for not getting sick had caught a nasty bug which strangely made him feel woozy (...Woozi, sorry) 24/7. His head would ache and his stomach would feel queasy whenever he made unnecessary movements and regular trips to the bathroom were needed to please his grumbling stomach. But what made it worse was the fact that Seventeen was right in the middle of comeback season, meaning that the poor rapper had no time to spare for his worsening sickness.

Seventeen had yet another rehearsal to learn their new choreography and unsurprisingly, Wonwoo felt like absolute shit. Dancing for another 5 hours was the last thing he wanted to do and all he wanted to do was lay in bed and sleep. However, that was impossible as telling his members that he was sick would only add more stress and delays for their upcoming comeback. So therefore, enduring the brutal rehearsal was the only option for the young rapper.

Entering the car, Wonwoo stumbled as a sudden wave of dizziness hit his head. The idol collapsed into his seat, nauseous from the sudden movement and sighed, wondering when he would finally be able to get better. All he had to do was just get through this week.

Time skip:

2 hours into the brutal rehearsal, Wonwoo felt as if his inside were all squashed up inside his abdomen as he slid down the wall during break time. A raging headache continued to pulse throughout his head as he attempted to block out the sound of the other members messing around in the background.

"Wonnie? Wonnie!"

Wonwoo felt a familiar hand shake his shoulder as he woke up to the blinding lights of the dance room.

"You fell asleep, the 15 mins is over, time to practise, come on." Mingyu said, helping the rapper up.

Wonwoo grunted as he got up, swaying slightly on his feet, preferring lying on the ground more than standing up.

""Woah, you ok?" Mingyu asked, seeing Wonwoo in his slightly delirious state.

"What? Oh, yeah. Let's go practice!" Wonwo replied as enthusiastically as he could.

Fake. That was fake, that's all Mingyu knew.

Time skip once again:

The group of 13 dancers were once again practising through their discography for their upcoming tour and were running though 'HIT'. 'HIT', famous for having large fast movements, was something that Wonwoo was dreading having to dance to but alas, to not raise any suspicion, Wonwoo still went for it.

As Seventeen continued to dance through 'HIT', Wonwoo felt his mind start to fog up. His dance moves became slow sluggish and the rapper found it hard to keep his balance,

"Goddammit, not now, I can't collapse now" Wonwoo whispered to himself, mentally punching himself.

Minghao, who was standing next to him, looked over concerned as to why Wonwoo was 2 beats behind and was slowing down even more.

Wonwoo slowly felt darkness cloud his mind as he made out several black spots that appeared in front of him. He felt a weird floating sensation around him as his body gave up to the energy consuming dance and finally ended up falling down onto the floor with a large 'thump'.

At least now, he could rest in peace.

(Y'all he's not dead, the words just...work)

Time skip:

Waking up to an unfamiliar surface underneath him, Wonwoo squinted as bright hospital lights could be just made out above him.



Wonwoo squinted as he tried to make out the 12 blurry silhouettes that surrounded him.

"Oh thank the fucking lord" Seungcheol exclaimed, relieved that his fellow rapper had woken up.

"Umm, not to ruin the moment but can I have my glasses? I can't see shit." Wonwoo croaked.

"Oh, right," Mingyu said, handing over the precious specs. "Now, on a more serious note, the doctor said that you've been sick for the past week."

Wonwoo simply just looked down.

Now that the truth had been revealed, he was scared that what he didn't want to happen would happen.

"Jeon Wonwoo, look at me"

Mingyu raised his hands and cupped the sick boy's head into his palms.

"Wonwoo, no matter how busy we are, you have to tell us when you're sick ok? Do you know how scared we were when you collapsed in that practice room? Don't do that ever again"

Mingyu hugged the now crying boy in comfort as he shushed Wonwoo to calm him down.

"I-I just d-didn't want t-to disappoint y-you" Wonwoo whispered as he clutched onto Mingyu's hug. "I-I thought i-it would only m-make you s-stress more"

"Aish Wonnie, hiding being sick is never an excuse for anything. And no, we wouldn't be disappointed in you because everyone gets sick once in a while. Plus we know how hard you've been working." Jeonghan said warmly as he ruffled the others' hair.

"Yea but still-"

"No, you have to tell us no matter what. Plus we'll probably find out eventually anyways." Jeonghan said firmly, receiving a sigh from Wonwoo. 

"Fine but no promises" Wonwoo replied back, falling back onto the hospital bed  

At the end of the day, Wonwoo learnt that hiding anything from the members was never a good idea because in the end, they'll always find out.

... i'm so so soooo sorry that ending was trash

958 words

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