Vernon X Seungkwan (TW death)

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Ehem ehem. Hey guys. So i might have abandoned wattpad in general for like half a year but ANYWAYS. I've decided to tell you that no i am not dead and theres a little angst thing that I wrote the other day. was also for a school assignment but uhhh i changed the names. Anyways this is in an alternate universe in which SVT are not idols and i'm sorry but theres only Vernon and Seungkwan mentioned cuz I couldn't add too many characters. Also I may or may not abandon again cuz my life is now BUSY BUSY but ill try too update more regularly:).


Vernon was sixteen when he vomited in his best friend's house. Unable to keep the nausea out of his body, he cried in Seungkwan's arms while the other panicked at the sight.

Seungkwan remade his promise once again that night, to always protect the other from harm's way.

It was all so sudden. Vernon's past well built frame, the result of several years of heavy lifting suddenly turned frail and his head that used to stand tall and proud, overlooking the world as if it were his oyster slouched over his once broad shoulders. As he skipped classes more and more, his world slipped under his feet, his clothes seemed baggier and baggier, covering most of his body, and his frame got thinner and thinner.

Seungkwan remembered it all. The day his best friend entered his house unsmiling for the first time in the 15 years they had been together. The day his heart tore apart as all he could do was pat the other on the back in attempts to console him when he himself was suffering to process the sudden announcement of the others' unsuspected illness.

Ten years ago. That's when he'd promised that they would never separate, he promised that he would protect him no matter what. The little pinkie promise made when they were just six years old was falling apart because of the universe's cruel heart trying to break their bond.

Seungkwan lay in his bed that night, tears streaming down his sullen face as ugly sobs broke out from his heart.


The small six year old sprinted across the abandoned park as he spotted his best friend holding onto the top of the slide for dear life as he whimpered with his face pressed against the cold, hard metal.

"Come down, you can do it." Seungkwan said, comforting the other. "Well, it's ok, you don't HAVE to do it but I'm here if you do. I'll protect you...I promise."

Vernon slid down fifteen minutes later, tears sliding down his face as his face broke into relief.

It was the first time he had overcome his overwhelming fear of heights.

Seungkwan made a promise then, that he would protect the younger boy for the rest of his life. And as for Vernon? His promise was that he would never leave the other until the day the other died.

Chemo was brutal.

Vernon woke up the first night, sobbing from the pain. Seungkwan was the first one he called. Not his mom, nor his dad but his best friend 8 suburbs away as he lay in the hospital bed seeking comfort. Despite the time, Seungkwan rushed to the hospital with his favourite blanket in his hand, his no longer, Vernon's for as long as he wanted. Seungkwan lay by him that night, hand running through the delicate hair placed upon the younger's head. It broke his heart to see the strands fall, fall all the way to the ground.

They lined up at the barbershop the next morning.

Vernon bursted into another round of tears when Seungkwan's gorgeous thick hair fell to the ground next to his.

All of a sudden, Vernon was Seventeen. One year into the new reality he had to face, the family was once again sat in the sterile white room. This time however, everyone had tears rolling down their faces.

Vernon became more quiet and conserved after that, finding every possible way to spend the little time he had left with his family. He would cling onto others more than usual and give out more hugs and kisses, telling everyone that he loved them, so, so much

He completely disappeared from school, spending his days crying to cringey netflix shows in the hospital as he had no company. His parents, busy earning money to pay off the hospital bills couldn't come because of work and Seungkwan was busy with school, despite wanting to drop out to be with his best friend.

Vernon eventually got worse and soon it wasn't just remains of the few bites of dinner he could stomach that would come out of his mouth. Specks turned into spots and soon buckets full of blood were being collected as his throat coughed up the remaining bile left sitting at the bottom of his stomach.

He just wanted it to go back to normal. To go back to school and run around on the footy field, to spend his Saturday nights giggling at 3 am in the morning as he slept over at Seungkwan's house, to not have to stay cooped up in the bleach infused hospital room that taunted him as the days went by, reminding him of the end that had suddenly come racing towards him.

Normality, that's all he wanted.

Eighteen. Vernon was finally eighteen years old and Seungkwan had gotten the day off school to spend with him. Somehow, they had gotten permission to leave the hospital and spend the day outside doing god knows what. So in the wheelchair he sat as Seungkwan carefully wheeled his best friend out of the building.

The two spent their day completing all the things they never got too. Visiting famous Cafes, expensive restaurants and finally ending at an extremely familiar destination.

The park.

The very same park where the little six year old versions of themselves ran wild after making their promises.

Now, the two sat under the starlight, as they breathed in comfortable silence.

It had been years since the two had come back together in the park and now, looking at the decaying playground, it brought a calming sense of nostalgia that led the two closer than ever.

"You know, I was utterly terrified of that slide right?" Vernon broke the calming silence like a pin dropping into a still lake. "I was so, so, scared but you were there for me, you've been there for me all this time."

Sniffles broke out as Vernon started shedding silent tears down his face.

"I don't wanna go. I don't wanna go Seungkwan. I don't wanna leave you here, by yourself when all you've been is good to me."

Vernon burst into sobs as Seungkwan looked over his shoulder.

"Don't worry," Seungkwan whispered. "I'll stay with you, until the end and then, finally, you can look over me, from the stars."

Vernon passed that night. Smiling as his head rested on Seungkwan's shoulder. The sweet, comforting scent of the other's cologne filling the air as the rustle of trees and wildlife filled the silence.

Under the very same stars, in the very same park, both males broke their promises twelve years after they made them.

However, this time, tears slipped from Seungkwan's eyes as a shaky hand reached to call his mother.

Vernon was sixteen when he vomited in his best friend's house. Unable to keep the nausea out of his body, he cried in Seungkwan's arms while the other panicked at the sight.

Seungkwan promised to keep him out of harm's way. 

Ahehe, hope u liked it. The writing style is quite different compared to how I used to write so I hope you enjoyed it :) 

Also... life update: 

I have now discovered the world of NCT and Mr Kim Doyoung has stolen my heart away. BUT its fine cuz I WILL stay loyal to svt🫡🫡🫡

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2023 ⏰

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