Joshua - spider

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Happy New Year!!!!!

The next few chapters/stories don't rlly have any plots that were requested but were just more requests for characters to be the protagonist so I won't write down the names of the 'requesters' as there are quite a few and I rlly can't be bothered.

It was no secret Joshua was scared of spiders. But it wasn't just a normal little scare. It was full on screaming "IM GONNA DIE" arachnophobia which led to the members teasing Joshua from time to time.

None of the members knew why Joshua was so scared of the little creepy crawlies as he was always too uncomfortable to tell them so all members just assumed that he was just a scaredy cat.

Little did they know, spiders were one of Joshua's worst fears due to a past traumatic loss he had encountered.

Back way before pre-debut Seventeen, when little 8 year old Joshua was still in America, he had this best friend called Jake (not from Enhypen but I mean u could imagine him if u want). Jake and Joshua were what you would call inseparable. They had first met at church when they were just babies getting baptised and soon became friends. They later found out that they were attending the same school together. And 2 years later, Jake even managed to move into the house right next to Joshua's making them regularly have sleepovers with each other. In fact they were so close that half of Joshua's room was in Jake's room while half of Jake's room ended up in Joshua's.

The 2 boys were destined to meet each other. Some would even say they were soulmates since birth. They would sing, laugh and play with each other and every year, they would go camping in the holidays. The last camp Joshua went on with his best friend Jake was when he was only 8. Jake had just been diagnosed with cancer that was not life threatening but meant that he would have to stay in hospital for a year. Before departing to the hospital, the 2 families decided to go for one last camping trip.

All was well until Joshua woke up one day to find Jake rolled on his side, vomit all over the tent floor while the sick boy twitched from the muscle spasms the poison was giving him.

Jake was immediately rushed to the hospital and Joshua somehow found himself back in his room while his parents regularly called the hosptial to see if Jake was ok.

He later found out that Jake had passed from a spider bite.

2 weeks after the death, Jake's parents handed Joshua a letter. Conveniently, Jake had thought he was going to die from cancer even though it wasn't life threatening and he wrote everyone a letter.

Opening the letter with shaky hands, Joshua read the last words his best friend had left for him.

Dear Shua,

If you're probs reading this then that means that I'm ...GONE. DUN DUN DUNNNNNNN. Anyways on a more serious note, just know that I want you to continue on with what you love doing. Don't stop singing and having fun just because I'm gone. I'll always be watching you just like the first time we locked eyes as babies and I'll always protect you. I won't be mad if u make new friends, heck I want you to make new friends. Keep on singing, dancing and playing that goddamn guitar I gave you and remember, I'll always be there, right beside you.

From the now deceased,


P.S you should totally try for that weird entertainment kpop company or whatever it is, I heard you singing 'Sunday Morning' the other day from your window and you sounded so angelic.

From that day on, Joshua had one goal, to become a singer. And he did, nothing stopped him. Here he was, more than 10 years later, a singer. However one thing that had chased him all the way from America was a newfound fear of spiders.

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