Ode to you - pt2. Jeonghan - stroke/beat up

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requested by @1004_hansarang

pt 2 to @1004_hansarang's request. 

"Morning, Hannie!!!" Wonwoo sang as he opened the curtains to let sunlight into the hospital room.

Seventeen was currently on hiatus, not wanting to continue their activities without one of their precious members, Jeonghan. It had been 2 months since the singer had fallen into a coma from a severe bleed in his brain and by now, the hospital was the idol groups second home. 6 of the members would sleep in the room with the sick idol while the other 6 would go back home, swapping roles the next day.

"You know Hannie? It's nearly Joshua's birthday. He's been taking this rather hard, without his other half with him. His birthday is in a week and he's still depressed. He won't listen to anyone until you wake up. I don't wanna rush you but just so you know." Wonwoo whispered softly into Jeonghan's ear, stroking his hair softly. "K, i'm going to go run some errands but get better soon and I love you!

Wonwoo kissed Jeonghan's forehead as he exited the hospital room that was still occupied by the unconscious singer. He left the hospital before heading over to the grocery shop to restock on some daily necessities.

Finally finishing his shopping, the young rapper entered the hospital once again, only to find Jeonghan's room full of doctors.




Wonwoo barged into the room after hearing these words, finding doctors trying to save the 27 year old from dying.

"OH MY FUCKING GOSH! HANNIE!" Wonwoo screamed, letting out the tears that had slowly been welling up in his eyes.

Wonwoo broke down, struggling against the nurses trying to hold him back from the dead body. Finally being too exhausted from struggling and crying, Wonwoo finally collapsed into the doctor's arms, not caring about anything anymore.

The young rapper still held tremendous amounts of guilt, despite the rest of the members comforting him and suddenly, seeing Jeonghan in that state, his mind couldn't take it anymore.

Time skip:

"Hey Wonnie," A soft voice said, stroking the tired boy's hair. Mingyu sat next to the confused rapper as he slowly comforted his fellow member that had immediately started sobbing.

"I-I killed h-him. I k-killed H-Hannie" Wonwoo sobbed as he leaned further into Mingyu's shoulder.

"Wonnie what? What do you mean? Hanni's perfectly fine!"

"I-I saw h-him. I SAW HIM DIE!" Wonwoo cried out as he pushed his fists against Mingyu's shoulder.

"wonnie."Mingyu said softly. "Hannie's not dead. He's awake now. He's awake Wonnie. He's awake!"

"Wh-what? B-but I-I saw the doctors failing." Wonwoo said shakely as he slowly calmed down.

"Wonnie, Hannie's awake. He can't really do anything but he's awake!"

"Th-then can I see him?"

"You-re too tired right now, Wonnie."


"No buts"

And finally, after more than 2 months, Wonwoo could finally rest in peace, knowing that his worst fear hadn't come true.

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