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Maids ran around the corridors.. the guards on full alert..the kingdom fully awake even when the darkest night crept in...the sky was filled with dark clouds behind from which the moon trying to peek out...trying to get a glimpse of the chaos that was forming in the palace

The great alpha king of Alwarak was walking back and forth outside his mate's chamber... listening to her louds cried...as he waited for her to give birth to his first born...

The midwife worked her way through as the queen cried in pain...the maids wiping her sweat off as she yearned to hear her child's voice

' This is getting complicated ' The midwife said to the queen's most loyal maid Hyorin ' His majesty has to make a choice..go ask him'

A maid walked out of the chamber bowing to the King

' You majesty... The midwife has asked you to make a choice.... It's difficult to save them both'

' Save my child....for he is my heir... I won't need that pathetic omega anymore if my child is alive' The king said as the maid bowed again walking back

The midwive's blood boiled when sheheard the king's cruel words... She looked at the beautiful queen who looked way too pale

' Just a bit more my Luna... Your pup will be out soon' The midwife said as she stroked the queen's hair...

The clouds cleared out as the night walked down the sky with the moon in her arms... lighting up the kingdom..millions of stars embellished the velvety sky as the loud cries of the new born filled the land...

' It's a boy my Luna' The midwife said showing the crying child to the queen whose wide smile faltered the instant she saw the child open his eyes

' Jihye' The luna whispered ' I..I know I w-will be gone soon... Please ta-take care of my child.. the king' She drew in a deep breath ' The king will ki-kill him... Promise me.. not as the midwife you are.. instead as my best friend...as my child's god mother'

The midwife whose name was Jihye held her best friend's hand ' I promise you Chaeyeon...I promise to protect him with my life'

The cries of the child got louder as the queen took her last breath... The maids covered her body with white clothes as they mourned their kind queen's death

Jihye cleaned the child... wrapping him in a clean silk cloth..as she caressed the smooth skin of the little angel

Oh my moon goddess why you are sending such a pure soul to this devil's life... Please send someone who can protect this soft petal from the storm he is about to go through

Jihye prayed as she walked out with the baby in her arms...

' Your Majesty ' Jihye bowed ' Your Prince'

A wide smile adorned the alpha's face when he heard it ' A Prince! Chaeyeon was of some use finally.. for she gave me a son' He exclaimed walking towards her... ' Show me my boy'

Jihye held the baby out for the king to take him...only to see him going still..

' Your Majesty?'

' An omega' He yelled looking at the ocean blue orbs of the baby ' A male omega? A disgrace to me...a disgrace to this whole kingdom'

' Don't say like that your Majesty' Jihye said... defending the baby
Midwives of Alwarak were respected for it's believed that a midwife's curse is stronger than that of any witches or warlocks'...for her curse can burn the cruelest of soul...and her blessing can cure the weakest of mind

' Guards! Announce the queen's death along with the news of the still birth of the child' The cruel king ordered ' Kill this omega'

' No.... Please your majesty... Don't do that...he is just an innocent child ' Jihye cried ' Don't harm him... Please'

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