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' Are you Ok hyung?'

Jungkook clearly looked shocked when he heard that from Yeonjun....

It was the next day after which Jungkook had opened a part of his heart in front of Taehyung.... All through these two weeks many things changed....Jin stopped talking properly.. not only to Jungkook but also to the others... Namjoon had buried himself in works related to the kingdom as he was now the royal advisor... Sana and Jimin would take turns in looking after Taehyung while Yoongi would go missing and would return at night...

The kingdom was on the verge of facing a massive famine and Jungkook was feeling miserable... because with each plant that died...died Taehyung's each breath...and the hate filled looks the Mirawikians were giving Jungkook after knowing how their alpha hurt their Luna was not helping at all

Presently Jungkook was discussing some ways through which they can face the situation in the kingdom while walking beside the farms when Yeonjun suddenly decided to ask how he was

' Why do you look so surprised?' Yeonjun asked

' Nothing' Jungkook slowly shook his head...

' So tell me...how are you?' He asked again

' Not good' Jungkook shrugged

' Tae hyung will wake up soon..' Yeonjun smiled softly 'Don't worry too much'

Jungkook turned towards the alpha

' What?' Yeonjun asked

' Why are talking so nicely to me? Don't you hate me?' Jungkook frowned

' Should I hate you?'

' You have enough and more reasons' Jungkook stated

' Then you also have enough reasons to hate Taehyung' Yeonjun tilted his head

' I can't hate him Yeon...I...' Jungkook sighed ' I can't hate him'

' Why?'

' Why are you talking of this now?Its not like he is going to stay back just because I love him...I have already ruined his life..I can't anymore'

Yeonjun chuckled lightly ' Hyung was right when he said that you are the cactus'

Jungkook looked confused ' What?'

' You know...the cactus has Thorns all over it but one you get pass it.. then its all soft and mushy' Yeonjun laughed... ' No one was born evil...the situation and people around them played the mould to shape them up into what they are now....and every minute action has a reason hidden behind them and we can't
judge someone just like that and same goes for you'

Jungkook blinked 'Wh-'

' Taehyung hyung said it when we were in the garden...he was looking at you through the window in your study while you were busy with some Paperwork...' Yeonjun said as they kept on walking
' I knew something was bothering him..but when I heard it I understood that it was because of you...and trust me I honestly wanted to kill you after that incident with hyung..but then again...his words suddenly came into my mind...'

Yeonjun paused before continuing ' Jungkook hyung.. no matter how cold you act...you do have a warm heart... I don't know went wrong where for all this to happen...but if Tae hyung who saw you just some weeks back could trust you this much..then me who has been seeing you everyday since my birth...can also trust you right?'

' I broke his trust Yeon... And he is going to leave me soon'

' Hy-' Before Yeonjun could continue he heard some commotion and looked at the direction only to see the villagers gathering around

𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐏𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐄 || TAEKOOK ||Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin