15. Back to Earth

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(Transformers Armada and Transformers Energon are not mine.
The picture above is from a picture book.

Kicker looked up feeling a strange feeling run up and down his spine, 'Eh?'

Optimus saw the shiver, "Something wrong?"

Starscream, "You don't have to go to Earth if you don't want to yet."

Kicker shook his head, "That's not it... "

Kicker looked around, "Where is Rad?"

Starscream chuckled, "He will be here with Highwire soon."

Kicker nodded at that, 'It was probably just a passing warning. Like a silly little accident, probably?'

Optimus turned to the seeker, "Starscream, are you sure about going to Earth? That too after what happened with the Council."

Starscream sighed, "It is because of what happened I am leaving. I need to calm down before I end up off lining those old fools."

Optimus sweat dropped, 'Off line? That bad?'

Starscream, "Times like these I truly miss Lord Megatron. He may have been boisterous and arrogant but no one messed with him. Or with anyone under him."

Optimus, "Megatron had his own charm and ways."

Rad, "Kicker, Starscream, Alexis, Sureshock."

Alexis perked up, "Rad! Highwire! You guys made it."

Rad chuckled, "I would not miss it for the world. Say mind delivering this to Carlos for me? It's to be his birthday gift."

Kicker, "Oh yeah! It will be his birthday by the time we reach Earth. I am glad I picked a gift for him last month. I need to check if I packed it. Excuse me!"

Optimus rumbled in amusement, "He never changes."

Highwire chuckled, "I hope he never does."

Sureshock nodded, "Ditto that."

Brian walked up to them, "What got Kicker rushing in a huff?"

Optimus answers with voice laden with fondness and amusement, "He is making sure his birthday gift for the others are packed up."

Miranda laughed, "I see."

Sally went after Kicker, "I will go help big brother."

Sally rushed off to where Kicker was and started to help him go through the luggage. Kicker was relieved all of the gifts he hand crafted for his friends were there. The team bound for Earth was ready to go any moment now and they had one last group hug. Demolisher who had joined them looked a little out of place but he was pulled in by the Jones family. Carlos, Alexis and Rad had made up with him three years ago stating if they could get along with Megatron if only for few minutes they could get along with him as well.

Optimus had felt pride filling his spark up when he had by accident stumbled into that soft scene. Demolisher in his opinion looked hilariously confused and flabbergasted by how easily the kids accepted and forgave him. But the ex - Decepticon went along with it to indulge the children. Ironically enough, it was the humans who treated him as a normal being and never made fun of him if he did not understand something. He used to be made fun of for being a slow learner but the humans called it ADHD and it was normal.

Demolisher looked at them, 'They may be a young race when it come to technology but when it comes to other things... '

Kicker, "Excited to go?"

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