( 30 ) he's just the messenger

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↳ Johnathon Chaseusse

JEFFERY DEAN MORGAN as↳  Johnathon Chaseusse

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RIVER LET OUT A DEEP BREATH as he stood outside one of the bunkers in the underground tunnels, which his recently heightened hearing allowed him to hear Gerard's voice on the other side of the door. Aspen was stood a few meters away, hiding behind a corner in the dimly lit corridor, so that she could keep her identity hidden from the two older men, but keep River under her supervision. She didn't trust him not to stab them in the backs again.

River looked back at her one last time before finally building up the courage to wrap his hand around the doorhandle and push it open.

It seems the pack's suspicions about Johnathon Chaseusse's involvement in this whole ordeal was correct, and River's bones practically froze to stone when his father spun around and their eyes met. There was no way that Johnathon would be able to tell he'd been bitten, not now, not when it was daylight outside, and there wasn't a full moon for weeks.

Besides, River used fear as his anchor— and so long as he was in the presence of his father, he'd always be scared, which kept him human.

But the next thing River noticed was that it wasn't just his father and Gerard in the room—there was another person, a dark-skinned woman.

"River?" Johnathon seemed shocked to see his son, but then his face began to light up with pleasant surprise, "Son, what're you doing here? Where have you been all this time—I haven't seen you since we were in North Carolina?"

"I'm sorry, dad," River said, and as soon as he began to speak, he seemed to sell it all pretty well. "It's just that I found one of our targets while we were there, and I went after them for a while, thought it would make you proud. I managed to track your phone back to Beacon Hills when I finished the task."

"That's my boy," Johnathon grinned with pride as even Gerard seemed impressed with his grandson who he was only now really meeting for the first real time.

Johnathon walked over to River, placing a hand on his shoulder as he brought him over to the woman and Gerard. "Son, I'd like you to meet your grandfather, Gerard."

"Hi," River held out his hand and shook Gerard's hand, "I umm, I didn't think you and my father were speaking?"

"We weren't." Gerard replied, looking at his son, "But it seems we share enemies and motives, so we decided to stop living in the past, and look forward to a better future."

"A future without the supernatural." the dark-skinned woman spoke up, her arms crossed over her chest. "Seeing as your Johnathon's son, I assume you're with us on this?"

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